Part 2

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    "Uhm, hello?" Emily asked sleepily, sitting up and answering her phone at about two a.m., not able to recognize the number on her screen.

"Hi there, I'm so sorry it's so late but I think someone is breaking into my house." the voice on the other end was terrified and soft but still apologetic.

"JJ? Don't worry. I can have my team there in less than twenty minutes. Stay on the line. No matter what happens, don't hang up." Emily immediately sprang into action, grabbing her side-arm and badge before running down the hotel hallway to wake the rest of her team, banging on each door individually and yelling on her way to the vans.

"Okay, okay." JJ whispered.

"Have you hidden somewhere?" Emily asked quietly, able to make out faint smashing sounds on the other end as Morgan slid into the driver's seat beside of her and she began to point him in the direction of JJ's house.

"I'm in the pantry. I figured the closet or the bathroom was too obvious. It sounds like he's in my room now." JJ whispered and Emily could hear tears in her voice.

"I knew you were a smart woman as soon as I met you." Emily said more to herself than JJ. "Now, listen to me carefully. I want you to stay absolutely silent and leave the phone on so I can hear everything on your end, okay? You set it to speaker on my say and I am going to mute my end. We're making record time and will be there in less than five minutes."

Shortly, Morgan cut the lights and the sirens so they could very quietly infiltrate the home at Emily's direction. She took comfort in the quiet, muffled sounds of the blonde teacher's breathing in her ear. Emily stealthily crept in through the front door and made her way to the kitchen, hoping against hope to be able to put herself between JJ"s hiding place and the attacker. Just as she rounded the corner, she saw a figure dressed in all black, wearing a ski mask and holding a gun. Emily was only just able to slide into her desired position before he made her.

"FBI! Put your weapon down and hold your hands where I can see them." she ordered, hopefully drawing the attention off of her team. "You are under arrest for literally so many things, I can't even name them all right now."

"I guess I'll read him his rights then, thanks boss." Rossi said in an amused scoff as he cuffed the guy and began to shove him out of the door.

Emily ignored him and pushed open the door to the pantry she had been blocking. With a heavy sigh of relief, she assisted JJ to trembling legs and pulled the blonde woman gently into a soft embrace. Jennifer Jareau shook from head to toe and Emily knew she was definitely going into shock. Wordlessly, Emily guided her to the living room and wrapped a blanket left on one of the couches around the other woman's shoulders.

"You were very brave and did very well." Emily told her softly. "I'm so glad you called me."

"Do you think it's over now? Is that the man you were looking for?" JJ asked through chattering teeth.

"My best guess is that is him, or someone who works with him. We'll know more when we bring him back to the police station and can identify him properly." Emily replied with a sigh, one arm wrapped around JJ's shaking shoulders. "Do you feel up to coming down with us and describing everything you can remember about the break-in?"

"Sure. I won't be able to get any sleep here tonight anyway." JJ sat up a bit straighter, though the blanket was still tight around her shoulders. Blue eyes were haunted, but serious. "I want to help in any way I can."

"You are a very strong woman, Ms.Jareau. Those kids are lucky to have you." Emily said with a soft smile and offered JJ a hand in standing up before escorting the other woman to the fleet of black SUV's. If anyone else noticed that she didn't let go of that hand until JJ was safely buckled into the back seat, they didn't mention it. 

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