Joana smiled and hung up the phone. Her heart dropped as she hid the phone under the mattress of her bed. It felt like the last time she was going to speak to them. She didn't even say goodbye to Steve. Shaking her head, Joana left the room. She crept down the halls, avoiding everyone on her way to Shuri's room. If there was one thing that Hydra taught her about herself, it was that men in power always loved taking advantage of a girl who appeared weak. Men were predictable that way.

Once in Shuri's room, Joana headed for Shuri's closet, looking for something more attractive than a black t-shirt and black pants. She settled for a long grey shirt and matching pants. Joana sucked in a deep breath, not entirely sure if this plan of hers was the best, but it was the only one she had.

She threw off her clothes, shoving them under a pile of Shuri's clothes. The grey shirt was long sleeved and reach down to her midthigh. It was a high collared shirt, like almost all of Shuri's other clothes. The pants were mostly the same color grey, but it had patches of darker and lighter grey, looking sort of like metal. Joana shrugged at her reflection. She looked almost like she fit in with everyone else who was native to Wakanda. Shuri had done her hair over a day ago in a crown of braids. A few pieces were falling out, but she didn't have time to redo it.

Feeling the best she could with what she had, Joana left the Princess' room, praying silently that she was safe. Walking down the halls, Joana felt more and more confident, until she rounded a corner and Okoye was standing there. Before Joana could react, Okoye pulled her behind a statue.

"What are you doing here?" Okoye hissed.

"I could ask you the same thing," Joana snapped back. "Shuri said Nakia was going to get you and Agent Ross."

"I stayed behind, but Nakia said Shuri was getting you, that she refused to leave without you," Okoye told her.

"I stayed behind."

"For Barnes."

Joana nodded her head. Okoye let her go.

"Are you wearing the Princess' clothes?" Okoye asked, looking Joana up and down.

"I heard that this new king isn't too fond of foreigners," Joana said, her voice low. "It was all I could do to fit in."

"Smart. I need to get you somewhere safe, somewhere he won't find you," she told Joana. Joana stepped back and shook her head.

"No, Okoye. I can't leave. If this king finds out about Bucky-"

"He won't hesitate to kill him." Okoye sighed. "I can't convince you to leave, can I?"

Joana shook her head.

"Come with me."

Okoye pulled Joana out from behind the statue and escorted her down the hall. Joana tried to remember how Shuri would walk. Fear and worry began to creep into Joana, but she reminded herself that she had survived almost 70 years of HYDRA; she wasn't about to let some kid kill her when she was just inches away from freedom.

Okoye noted the change in Joana as they walked. She held herself taller. Her hands dropped to her sides. The look of an outsider in her eyes shifted to that of a soldier, a spy. Joana Kegley was no longer a foreigner, she looked as if she had lived in Wakanda all her life.

"You have the look, Joana," Okoye said, barely moving her lips. "Just don't say anything."

Joana didn't say anything to acknowledge that she understood, but Okoye knew she did.

They turned the corner again, nearing the servants living quarters. Okoye thought Joana would be safe here for now until they could figure out how to get her and Bucky out of Wakanda.

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