"Hey Hunk? The cafeteria is that way?" Lance says as he points behind him.

"I know, but I told someone that we would meet up with them for lunch today," Hunk explains.

"Alrighty then," Lance says with a shrug, he has no problem with meeting up with people, he is a social butterfly anyways.

They walk towards an open classroom door and as they walk in, Lance can see Pidge sitting at a table with headphones in.

"Hey Pidge!" Hunk says loudly to get his attention.

Taking off his headphones, Pidge gives the two of them his signature gremlin smile.

"Welcome to my humble abode my friends!" Pidge says, spreading his arms out to show off his table. Sliding into chairs, Lance and Hunk gather around the table. Then, while Lance digs through his backpack, Hunk leans over to Pidge and whispers.

"Where's Keith?"

"Forgot his lunch in his locker, he'll be back in a sec," Pidge says. Hunk nods and proceeds to grab his lunch from his bag as well. Lance, once finally finding his lunch, looks up to see Pidge isn't eating. Lance nudges Hunk and signs to Pidge, which Pidge doesn't notice as his focus is entirely on his phone.

"Hey Pidge, where's your lunch?" Hunk asks.

"Don't got one, I woke up late this morning and didn't get the time to make one." Pidge says while still staring at his phone screen. Lance lets out a sigh and goes through his lunch box before finding a peanut butter and jam sandwich and a fruit roll up and launching them at Pidge, effectively hitting him in the head. Pidge just looks up confused.

"I had extras, thank god or you would've gone hungry! Now eat up!" Lance says with a smile.

Taking a bite of the peanut butter and jam sandwich, Pidge replies.

"I love peanut butter and jam sandwiches! Thanks!"

"It's no problem," Lance says as he grabs his other sandwich and takes a bite.

"I think you are my new best friend!" Pidge says jokingly.

"Wow, what am I? Chopped liver?" a voice says from behind.

"Well yeah! You never give me peanut butter!" Pidge replies. Lance looks up from his sandwich to see Keith standing by Pidge, but Keith hadn't seemed to notice him yet.

"What's up mullet?"

Keith whips his head around in surprise, he hadn't noticed Lance was there to, only Hunk. Keith shakes his head and sits down next to Pidge.

"What are you doing here?" he asks Lance.

"I dunno, I just followed Hunk, but I also saved your friend here from starvation by giving him my other sandwich and fruit roll up," Lance says pointing to Pidge. "Which he happily seems to be eating."

Keith looks over to Pidge to see him with half a fruit roll up dangling from his mouth.

"Your weird," Keith says.

"Well, no shit Sherlock," Pidge says, but it's muffled by the fruit roll up so it comes out more like "MFMmfmfmam fmfah sherlockmnf". Pidge and Keith continue bantering on the proper way to eat a fruit roll up when Pidge abruptly stops to look over at Lance.

"Hey Lance," Pidge says.


"I just wanted to thank you again for helping me out last week. You know with the attack?"

"I would do it again too, no one deserves to be attacked for their gender identity." Lance tells him. Hunk just stares at him, very confused.

"Um you didn't tell me this!"

"Sorry! I kinda got preoccupied!" Lance says sheepishly. Keith then pipes in with,

"Yeah, and thanks for teaching Jonah a lesson after you came back to school after dropping me off at the hospital."

Well shit, Lance had been completely sure no one else was around when he did that, and he was one hundred percent sure Jonah hadn't said anything.

"You did what!" Pidge shrieks.

"He taught Jonah a lesson, I saw it go down too." Keith says nonchalantly.


"It just didn't sit right with me, that he didn't get in any trouble for what he did so I decided to do something about it. Plus, I'm pretty sure I scared him to the point where you won't have more problems with him again." Lance mumbles.

Pidge lets out a sigh, "Thank you, and at least you didn't get caught. Unlike this idiot." Pidge says as he points to Keith.

"Hey! That was one time!" Keith says with a pout. They all laugh and for the rest of lunch they talk, each of them getting closer to one another. Even the two "rivals".


When the lunch bell finally goes, the group all pack up their stuff and make their way to their next classes. But before they can all part ways, Keith grabs Lance's arm.

"Hey, could I talk to you for a second?"

"Yeah, sure," he says. "I'll meet you in class Hunk!"

Together they pull away from the group and stop by an empty hallway. Stopping in front of a locker, Keith lets go of Lance's arm and turns to face him.

"I just wanted to thank you, for being there for Pidge when I wasn't able to be." Keith whispers.

"Hey, like I said before, it was no problem, and I would gladly do it again. Nobody deserves to be treated like that."

"Then, will you continue to look out for him? When I'm not there?" Keith asks.

"Sure... mullet." Lance says as he puts his hand out for Keith to shake. Keith gives his hand a shake and as they both look up at each other, a faint blush paints both their faces. However, down at the end of the hallway, they have two little spies listening in on their conversation.

"Hey Hunk," Pidge whispers.


"I bet by the end of this week, one of them will discover who their soulmate is. And I'm betting it will be Keith who figures it out first."

"Deal, but I say Lance will be the first."

With a shake of hands, the bet is set.

"Fuck, we are going to be so late. I'm gonna grab them." Pidge says as he rounds the corner so both Keith and Lance can see him.

"Hey lover boys! Hurry up! We are going to be late!" Pidge yells down the hallway. Both boys look up, letting go of each others' hands sheepishly.

"We better get going," Keith says.

"Yeah, but I'll see you later?" Lance asks.

"Yeah..." Keith whispers with a small smile. The boys' part to go class but unknown to each other, they were both excited to see each other again and they couldn't blame this on being rivals. 

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