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     Whispers and murmurs echoed through the dark. Agent 3 groggily opened up her eyes. She felt something binding her hands and feet together. The Inkling looked around, only to to see darkness everywhere, except for three pairs of neon blue circles in the dark, eyeing her.

    She heard a door slam open, a few footsteps, and then bam, she was blinded by a sudden light. She looked away, squinting her eyes at the sudden brightness. She heard a chuckle from an octoling, but it was odd. It was as if her voice was being projected from a video with bad quality. Adjusting her eyes in the brightness, she looked up, to see one of those weird blue and green octolings.

    Instead of goggles, like the one's she had fought, it was wearing glasses, and her octoling clothes were draped over with a lab coat, not to mention the big, black gloves she was wearing. Agent 3 took notice of a tag on her lab coat, that read 'Dr. Avia Winston: Lead Oct-Kamabo Scientist' .

    "I see you're awake." She said. Agent 3 could hear a groan from her left, and when she checked, she saw Agent Green beginning to wake up. She looked to her right to see both octolings that she had fought were also there, but both were still out cold.

    Dr. Avia, as Agent 3 was speculating from her name on the tag, laughed, the robotic edge in her voice echoing across the tiny room. "You four will be perfect test subjects for our experiments." She said. "Of course, we've never done anything with Inklings, so this is a great opportunity." She said, a small smirk forming on her face with countless ideas going through her head at once.

    "Go to hell.." Agent 3 said through gritted teeth. Agent Green was now awake and fully aware of his surroundings. Dr. Avia glanced at him before turning her back on him and heading to a desk, where she began to open multiple drawers to grab files, a paper or two occasionally flying out of them from the roughness of the doctor's hands to push through them. Meanwhile, Agent 3 looked around, trying to see if there was a possible way to escape. In any means though, it would be impossible with the eyes of the three guards inside.

    She looked at Agent Green for a second and gave him a look. Both Agents know how to communicate to each other in case of a situation like this one. Agent Green nodded and turned back around. He began using force on the chair by rocking it from side to side, and it fell over with a loud clank. All three guards perked up and went to see the fallen inkling. Meanwhile, Agent 3 began shuffling her hands behind her, using her tentacled hair to softly untie the rope. The rope then fell off of her hands and she quickly went to untie the rope on her feet.

    Once she was done, Agent 3 clenched her fists together and knocked the closest guard to her, sending him crashing into the next. The third guard began firing at her, but she sent a flying kick at him and he fell in the pile of Octarians she had just beaten up. The doctor seemed to not have listened to the commotion happening behind her, as she was still rummaging through her desk.

    The inkling went over to quickly untie Agent Green. "Something's off about this whole place.." He told her, massaging his head from the fall. "All of this is nothing like Octo Valley." She agreed with him. "And I don't think this seems to be Octavio's doing. Did you read her tag?" She pointed at the doctor, which was now running back and forth between a box to the side and back to the desk. "Yeah. Sketchy..." Agent Green said. He then looked to his side where the two octolings were still out.

    "And what about them?" He said. "I still want to beat those two to pulp. Especially the boy.." He growled, putting his knuckles together. "

    "I don't think they're like the others.." She said, looking at him. She was then recalling what the octoling boy had told her. "I think they want..." she paused for a second.


    "B.S.." Agent Green said. "All octolings are no goods. Look at these!" He pointed at the Octarians on the floor. "I know, but there was something different about them.." She said.

    She then looked up. There was a vent, and it seemed big enough to crawl into. She looked at him, meeting his gaze, and made his eyes follow hers towards the ceiling. "An escape route." Agent 3 said. Agent Green nodded, forgetting the small argument they just had. He looked around and put a chair right below it. He then stepped on reached for the vent and pulled the cover off. He handed it to Agent 3 before putting his hands inside to support him as he looked inside.

    Agent 3 waited while he looked through the vent. He then popped his head back out and said, "I think it can support our weight. It's kind' s cramped though but I think we'll make it." He told her.

    Agent 3 nodded. She suddenly went to quickly untie both of the octolings. She picked up the girl octoling first and went back to the vent so Agent 3 could grab her and put her inside. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" He whisper-shouted at her in disbelief. "I'm taking these two back to Inkopolis with us." She said, determination in her voice. "Now help me take these two inside." She said and shoved her in with him.

    Agent Green sighed and brought her in. The inkling went back to grab the octoling boy and give him to Agent Green. She looked down at him to see a bruise on the side of his forehead. Agent 3 sighed and gave him to Agent Green.

    Once Agent Green had put him inside, he reached out his hands to help up Agent 3. As she went up, she kicked the chair away from the vent and quickly crawled inside.

    It must've been the chair smashing the floor that brought the Doctor back to her senses. As the two Agents crawled away, carrying both octolings, they both heard the doctor screech behind them. "WHERE ARE MY TEST SUBJECTS?! GUARDS! SEARCH FOR THEM!"

    An alarm suddenly began blaring all around them. Both Agents now crawled faster, praying that the thumps they were making wouldn't alert any Octarians.

    Finally, they reached the end to the vent. Agent Green kicked his foot at it and jumped down. He reached out his hands so that he could grab both octolings and set them down on the floor. Once both octolings were on the ground, Agent 3 jumped down beside Agent Green. She was about to grab the octoling to make a run for it before another one of those blue and green octolings came around the corner, wielding a blaster.

    "Don't touch them!" She shouted, yet again the robotic edge on her voice. Weaponless, both didn't have a chance to fight back. It was also unknown if they would respawn or not. And if they did, where would they be? Agent 3 slowly backed up from the octolings.

    The octoling gritted her teeth together. "I swear to cod if you hurt them..." She trailed away. She grabbed the female octoling and put her over her shoulder and quickly grabbed the boy octoling and carried him in her other shoulder.

    "Leave. This is no place for inklings like you." She said, and quickly disappeared from the same corner she came from. Agent 3 quickly ran over to see where she was heading. But like magic, she disappeared. Agent 3 slammed her fist to the wall.

    "It's okay, they'll be in good hands now. We won't have to worry about dragging them along anymore." Agent Green said. Agent 3 turned around and gave him a death glare. "We're going to bring those two back." She said. "Got it?"

    "Okay! Okay! Just cool it." Agent Green said. "Anyways now that I think about it, Cap'n Cuttlefish will probably be trying to look for us, and I'm pretty sure he might get lost down here, so we might as well look for both of them.. wherever we are." He said, trying to sound optimistic.

    Agent 3 sighed. "Okay.." She said. "Let me check if the Captain can talk to us on his radio." She said. She began turning a knob on her headset, trying to see if she could try to pick up Captain's signal, but to no avail.

    Agent 3 sighed. "It's time for another adventure after two years of waiting."

{Hey guys! I just wanted to say thank you all so much for the amount of support I got! I only posted the prologue and this book already blew up! I can't say any words to express how much I appreciate that!

afterlove ♡ a male agent 8 x female agent 3 fanfic Where stories live. Discover now