How Can You Unlove Someone?

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Have any of you ever felt that love is up to no good?

That's what she felt after her breakup with her first love.

Have any of you felt that if you could, you would choose not to feel love?

That's what he felt after his breakup with his first love.

Age 17, 5'2" tall, with long dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes, Dawn Rivera felt like she never needed to change herself to please anyone. But after her ex-boyfriend cheated on her with their common friend, she started asking herself where did she go wrong, what did she do wrong, did she lack something, is she ugly, and so many more questions that built up her insecurities.

Age 16 and 1 month, 5'7" tall, black hair and dark brown eyes, Clyde Lim always felt like his life can be more than what it is at the moment - school, family, God, few friends, a little love. He believed that he can be better that what he is, that he can achieve something big and great for his family and especially for himself. But what? How? And WHEN?

Two people with their own goals in life, with their own problems, and with their own individualities; Will they find what they're looking for with each other? Or will they break each other when they meet?



My very first book.

Just wanted to try writing and see if I'm atleast good at it.

I accept criticism on a minimal note. :)

(picture not mine)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2014 ⏰

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