Chapter 26

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so i know it has been a while and i dont want to give you lovely readers an excuse so i wont

i am sorry that you had to wait so long for this chapter and personally i dont even like it but it had to happen for certain events to take place

so read on


I was still doubled over and looking up at this guy who had his hand stuck out and in my face

Future husband

Future husband

What the fuck is he going on about?

I’m not marrying this guy, I was meant for Seth and have been since I was born

“No” I spat out while straightening my back, I pushed past the pain

“Pardon?” Brandon asked his smile faltering slightly

“I am not marrying you” I said glaring at him

His blue eyes narrowed at me

“Darling you have no say in the matter here”

Oh yes I do

Edward seriously now is the time to be able to hear me. Like seriously, I might be forced into marriage

I closed my eyes and prayed he heard me

“I have no way out do I?” I questioned defeated

They all shook their heads some looking at me with pity

I didn’t want their looks of pity or sorrow I wanted to go home

Hell I am so wrapped up in their plan I don’t know how old I am

I froze in my spot not looking at anything in particular, just in the distance

I don’t know how old I am

Is that bad? I think it’s bad

“Chloe?” I heard my name all around me but I couldn’t speak

I don’t know my age

I don’t know how long I have been gone for

I don’t even know if the family is alive

I don’t know if Seth is okay

And this worries me

“Aro?” I ask finally finding my voice

How can i live this way?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt