Chapter 8

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As I ran through the forest at top speed I saw something blur beside me

Oh shit I thought

Maybe it’s Leah, Seth’s sister here to kill me because I insulted her earlier that night

Well best go high, get her to lose my sent if it is

I jumped and landed clinging on the tree top

Now or never I thought

I swung the tree top lightly using my body weight and leaped to a tree meters away from me

This could work

I kept swinging until I was able to take jumps three times as big

Almost home, I could see the light from just above the trees

I took one more leap with a grin on my face when I was falling

The ground coming towards me at a fast pace

I screamed

I may be part vampire

But the other half is human

I must have blacked out before I hit the ground, it felt nice falling though, the way my body relaxed, my hair flying freely, it was just the death part at the end which should have shook me up


Rosalie’s pov (again but finally)

I was pacing back and forth the kitchen, I was worried and there was no way to stop me until I knew my baby was safe. What was she thinking jumping tree to tree? But then again something could have chased her. She looked so fragile as Emmet brought her in

I looked up at him

He looked pale, but then again he always does but I started to notice the darkness under his eyes

We haven’t hunted in about a week now

We have been cooped up besides Edward and Bella but we could all see Edward was generally concerned for Chloe which I was grateful for, shows he has some feelings for the rest of the family and he cares

I frowned maybe it is just Bella putting things in his head

Twisting his words

That Bitch

I heard Seth sigh at the table pushing away his food and looking apologetic to mom

“I’m sorry Mrs. C but I can’t eat, I am to worried” he said

“Seth you need to eat” I said looking sternly at him

He looked at me with a questioning look “By the time my daughter comes around you would be starving, imagine what she would say and think because you risked you’re life worrying for her” I said rationally

He just nodded “I will try Rosie” I nodded at him

Good that is one person down, Emmet needs to feed but so does Jasper

“Jasper takes Emmet Hunting please” I said pacing again

“No we are staying here” Emmet said arguing against me

“Emmet you haven’t hunted in a week maybe more, when you get back me, Alice and mom will go. It’s fine” I said running up to him and hugging him with all my might

I felt him nod and kiss my hair “Okay” I heard him whisper and he was gone out of my embrace

Seth scrapped his chair back and coughed

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