three : that morning

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No ones pov 

Rei slowly opened her eyes and the light blinded her, It was as if the sun wanted her to go blind. The birds outside her window chirped and whilst it annoyed her it was still tolerable. she put her leg outside her bed and immediately regretted it whilst she lay there shivering in shorts and a shirt. She had an argument in her head with herself debating if she should get out of bed but in the end she had decided it would be best to get up. She looked around the room huddled in a blanket and her eyes fell on the small clock in the corner of the room. It was 7:30, she had 30 mins to get dressed & do her morning essentials, wake Naruto up and make breakfast for them both. First, she decided to prioritise her brother before herself and she slowly walked across the cold wood floor towards her open bedroom door and down the hallway and stared at the big wooden door in-front of her. she quietly opened her door to hear loud snores coming from the corner of the room which she immediately recognised as her older brothers. She tip-toped over towards Naruto and tapped him gently on his forehead. With no avail, he was still asleep. Sighing lightly she walked to the end of his bed and stared at his cold pale feet before holding one gently and tickling it, his weak spot! Naruto's eyes opened and were as wide as saucers as he tried to hold back his laughter. Rei Stopped and looked and a clock next to Naruto's bed and said 

"It's 7:32 we have until 7:50 to leave the house Onii-San" in a calm voice. Naruto slowly shut his eyes and sighed 

"Rei-chan, please don't wake me up so early we have 18 minutes until we have to leave.."

Red looked down at the floor and in her head thought 'yeah you only have to get dressed buddy, i have to make breakfast as well'. "I am sorry Onii-San" she spoke looking down at the floor with no emotion.

"Haha! Rei-chan it's okay, don't be sad" Naruto said smiling and Rei left and shut the door lightly  and slowly walked towards her bedroom and took out her daily outfit, well more of one of her only actual outfits. She spent all her money from the Hokage on Naruto and his wellbeing.

(☆her outfit is the one at the top of the page☆)

she put on her outfit for the day minus the shoes which were sitting downstairs somewhere. she opened the fridge and took out some milk not checking the date and also searched the kitchen and gathered  flour, baking powder, salt, sugar, milk, egg and butter and then placed them all down on the kitchen top she quickly ran up the stairs missing the last one and into her bedroom and checked the time 7:35. she did the math in her head 15 minutes until she has to leave the house with Naruto. she took out a breakfast cook book that Naruto bought her last year for her birthday and flipped over to page 52 which was labelled as how to make pancakes. she read the first paragraph on the necessary equipment and gathered a large bowl, a frying pan and a large spoon.

Rei read the next sentence 

In a large bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, salt and sugar.

Rei took the large bowl and began to sift the flour, baking powder, salt and sugar together before  reading the next sentence.

Make a well in the center and pour in the milk, egg and melted butter; mix until smooth.

She made a well in the center and poured in the milk, egg and melted butter and mixed them until they were smooth. 

Heat a lightly oiled griddle or frying pan over medium high heat. was the cook book's next sentence.

She did that and quickly ran up the stairs and took the clock and ran back down so she could keep track of time 7:38 it had been three minutes so she had 12 before Naruto and herself had to leave. She placed the clock on the worktop and read the the last sentence.

Pour or scoop the batter onto the griddle, using approximately 1/4 cup for each pancake.

She poured the batter onto the griddle using 1/4 for each pancake and waited until it was cooked and got a spatula and placed it onto a plate. When she was finally done Naruto's plate had 3 pancakes and she had 2. She quickly tidied up the room and put the dirties in the sink and put the ingredients back in the fridge still not noticing the milks drink before date. She looked over at the clock 7:42, it had been four minutes but they had to leave in eight. She walked up the stairs a third time and yawned silently before opening Naruto's door carefully to see him fast asleep. she tapped his face and he was still asleep so she went over to his feet and began to tickle them. To be honest with you, Rei wasn't impressed, he was so lazy! She walked over to him and stared at him with her head in-front of his.

"Onii-San You have 8 minutes to brush your teeth, brush your hair, get dressed and eat breakfast" Rei said sighing as Naruto's eyes went as big as flying saucers again and smashed his head up into Rei's causing her to get a small nose bleed and Naruto with a big bruise on his cheek. Rei sighed and walked into the bathroom and got some tissue and wiped away the blood and left a tissue up her nose to catch any more blood that would fall and then she got a flannel from the bathtub and damped it slightly and watched as Naruto ran into the bathroom and brushed his teeth. she placed the damp cloth on his cheek as he was brushing his teeth for 2 minutes. She then proceeded to find him comb and brushed his hair gently and went to find his shoes. After searching for a few minutes she found both their shoes which she only planned to find his. she left them both by the door and walked peacefully into the kitchen to check the clock. 4 minutes until they had to leave! she quickly sat down and waited for her older brother then she saw Naruto running down the stairs. She respectfully waited for him before they both began eating. She couldn't help but feel slightly ill, maybe one of the ingredients were out of date. She hoped it was just her and Naruto wasn't feeling ill too, she wouldn't want to ruin his day. Naruto ran off to find his shoes which he didn't know Rei left at the front door as Rei put their plates in the sink. 3 minutes until they had to leave.. she picked up the wash cloth and dish wash and began cleaning them very quickly as well as the big bowl, spoon and frying pan and left them on the drying rack to dry.

"Rei-chan! Rei-chan! Rei-chan!" Naruto screamed running into the kitchen

"Whats wrong Onii-San?" she asked confused

"I cant find my shoes Rei-Chan help me, please!!" he begged on his knees

Out of the corner of her eyes she looked at the time they had to leave in one minute if they were to make it on time.

"Onii-San, they are by the door please calm down" she patted his back looking away.

Naruto went to get up before flopping and falling back on his knee.

"Onii-San whats wrong?" she asked concerned for her elder brother

"Rei-chan i feel sick.." he anime cried

"Naruto-kun go to the bathroom and wait there for a bit it's okay i'll explain to our teacher why we're late" she reassured

"Okay Rei-chan" he smiled embarrassed and ran to the toilet.

Rei sighed, so he felt it too? 'It must have been my awful cooking' she thought to herself sighing.

Five minutes passed and Rei was drying the dishes & putting them away but suddenly she was dragged out of the kitchen and towards the door. She looked up confused before seeing Naruto and understood her was ready to go.

Both pre-ninja quickly put their shoes on and ran to the academy with a sick feeling in both their stomachs.

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