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Anniku's POV

"Where were you?!" I ask Miren and Rowan as they walk into my lair.
M: "Spying on literally every one"
R: "Trying to find the Dairy Queen here. It's on the complete opposite side of this town."

"Exciting." I say unenthusiasticly
M: "The guy that ran past us earlier yelled at me."
"Interesting." I reply not paying
"there was this adorable dog, he was so sweet I just wanted to steal him." Says Rowan as she takes a bagel out of a bag.
"Rowan you want to steal every dog you see." I say as I write something down in my book for evil plans.
M: "There was a girl that looked strangely like that mermaid Keykey that we met with him."
"What?!" I shout, making Rowan almost drop her bagel that she was making.
M: "I said-"
"Miren I heard you. But how could that be her? It can't be.."

I walk over to the tanks holding the two mermaids we caught years ago.

"I've got to go see if it is her. Because if so, Mermaids have more powers than I ever thought they had."

Lock's POV

I wake up.
My back hurts, mainly because of me sleeping sitting up. I look down and see Caleb, asleep. I notice he's smiling a little.
The door opens and I see key and Ivy peek their heads into the room.
"What do you to think you're doing?" I hiss at them
"Nothing." Ivy whispers,
"I'm checking on you two love birbs." Key hisses back at me
"It's birds, Not birbs." Caleb says groggily.
"Did we wake you?" I ask.
"Yeah.. but it's okay..." he says trailing off back to sleep.
I motion for Keykey and Ivy to leave,
Key gives a exasperated sigh and closes the door.
I smile, looking down at Caleb.
I guess I never noticed that he had freckles, maybe I just haven't gotten this close to him before.
He's so peaceful.

I sigh, staring at the wall.
"I wonder how Naia and Jason are doing." I say to myself.
"They probably didn't realize that we're gone..." I laugh a little, frowning.

"I don't believe that for one second." Caleb says suddenly.
I look down at him, nervously.
"You.. weren't supposed to hear that..." I mutter.
He sits up,
"Why do you think they'd not notice you're gone?" He asks.
"They didn't notice that keykey was the reason why mom and dad are dead. They thought it was just an accident."
"You shouldn't blame her.. it probably was an accident." He says.
"Caleb. It was six years ago.. on my birthday. I was excited for my birthday, but mom and dad died. We had a funeral on my God damn birthday!" I say, my voice rising.
"Lock thats sad but I'd think with time you'd forgive her!" He exclaims
"Caleb. She was my best friend! But she killed them!" I shout

We hear the door slam.

Ivy runs into the room, "Keykey just ran out of the house suddenly. I think she was crying." She says.

"Great lock, Now you've done it." Caleb says getting up.
"Now you've got to go after her."
"I What?" I say, confused.
"You have to go and make things better." He says his arms crossed.
I stare at him, confused.
"Cmon!" He exclaims, grabbing my arm, pulling me up.
I frown.
"What should I do?" I ask.
"We'll have to see." He says dragging me out the door.
I run along behind him.
His hand still tight around my arm, we run after my sister who's running downhill, toward the ocean.
"You run ahead Caleb I'll be right behind you." I say, panting, still running behind him.
He nods, and let's go of my arm, running ahead.

Keykey starts to slow down when she reaches the beach.
Caleb starts slowing down too.
"Key! Slow down!!" I shout
She stops, suddenly, and stares at a large mound of boulders.
"Is that..?"
"Yeah.. where mom and dad died.." she says.
"I'm sorry.. about, ya know, saying all those things.." I say to her, staring at the rocks.
"Alls forgiven.."
I hug her, for the first time in years, I hug her.
Caleb soon catches up.
"Aw.. look at you two showing love for each other." He says in a softer voice. It bothers me.
"Don't talk like that Caleb." I say.
"What?" He asks
"Don't talk in that voice. It makes me feel weird.." I say, staring at him.
"Huh.. that's strange." He says in the voice
"Caleb stop!"
Key laughs.
"Lock, you sound like mom when dad used to do a voice like that!" She says
I smile,
"Lets go home." Caleb says
"Okay" keykey And I say smiling at each other.

As we walk home Caleb picks up keykey and walks backward, jumping around until key finally makes him stop. I laugh at my sister and best friend, they act like they've known each other all their lives, it makes me feel weird. I cross my arms, frustrated. What am I feeling?

"Lock? What's the matter?" Caleb asks, staring at me a concerned look on his face.
"Nothing.." I say
"Oh my god. Lock. ARE YOU JEALOUS?!" Keykey asks
"What?! No! Why would I be jealous?!" I exclaim, my face getting red.
"Caleb, hes jealous! Actually jealous!" Key says to Caleb, excitedly
Caleb's face turns as red as a tomato.
"S-shut up!" I snap.
"Hey Lock.." Caleb says

He picks me up, and starts to run up the hill.
Keykey following close behind us, laughing.
I grin at them both.
Caleb laughs, making me laugh from the vibrations of his laughter.

I don't know what put us into such a good mood.
But when we got back home that good mood melted away. Caleb made us breakfast. Ivy was the brightest one in the room, giggling when she saw her dad carry me up the stairs being followed by my sister.

"Dad can I go to one of my friend's house today?" Ivy asks Caleb
"Sure I don't see why not. After breakfast you can run over there."
"Yay!" Ivy says shoving food into her mouth then running into her room.
She was barely in her room for five minutes before she came out and ran out the door saying she'd be back before dinner.

As Caleb, keykey, and I sit at the table eating our breakfast in silence. Keykey stares at Caleb,
"The voice" she says to him
"Heyy lock~" Caleb says
"Choke. Go choke." I say staring at him with a straight face,
Making keykey almost choke on a piece of her toast.
"LoOoOck~" key says imitating Caleb,
I push her chair sideways with my foot, she laughs, falling on the ground.
Making all of us laugh.

"What are we going to do today Caleb?" I ask
"I was thinking we could go get you guys some more clothes."
"That sounds fun! Also this bra thing hurts." Keykey says
"Ok. I didn't need to know that, but ok." Caleb says looking at her.
After we eat Caleb takes us 'shopping' as he calls it.
We spend most of the day getting clothes that Caleb offered to buy us.
What he got us consisted of:
Four sweaters, many many shirts, a bra that actually fits keykey, a dress, 5 pairs shorts, a skirt, three swimsuits, and some sandals. Along with a couple other things Caleb bought for himself.

As we walk up the steps to his house Caleb pulls out a small box. He hands one to me, smiling.
"Open it. I got it for you." He says.
I open it, inside there's a note reading;
"Lock, I know I've known you for only a few months but over that time I've grown to love you. In many ways, and forms.
You're my best friend. Please take this to remember me by.
I remove the note and see what's underneath.

It's a necklace with the letter C on it.
I look at him,
He's holding up a chain with a small L on it.
"You dork." I say hugging him around the middle, dropping my bag.
"You like it?" He asks
"Of course I do dummy!" I say hugging him tighter.
He laughs, picking up my bag and walking into the house
Before walking to his room and passing out on his bed.
I walk around his bed and sit down next to him. Eventually falling asleep, leaving key to her own devices.

Naia and Jason's 23rd Birthday is coming up soon on the 5th! Also I'm taking a break from drawing because I never seem to like my art atm so I'm going to be writing a lot more than usual!

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