Going on earth part 2

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Y/N pov.

"*yawning*What time is it?" Y/N ask and see the time is still 3am

"I wake up too early again" Y/N said and stand up and went on the bathroom to wash her mouth after that she went on the kitchen and see Hawk

"Oh...Good morning Hawk" Y/N said and wave on Hawk with a smile and Hawk smile back

"You wake up to early...why?" Hawk ask

"Nothing I just wake up too early" Y/N said

"Can I ask you something?" Hawk said and Y/N nod

"I promise to Fala that I will buy a souvenir here on earth....can you help me with it" Hawk said and you smile

"Sure no problem" Y/N said

"Thanks" Hawk said

"Hawk...I...I want...to.....admit something" Y/N said

"What is it?" Hawk said

"I'm not a real granddaughter of the greatest dragon warrior" Y/N said and Hawk get shock

"Why you lied to me....I mean to everyone" Hawk said and his cheeks is getting red

"I can't tell to you the truth....and pls promise to me you won't tell to anyone" Y/N beg on Hawk and he nod

"Thank" Y/N said

"Well what family you came from?" Hawk ask

"I can't tell" Y/N said

"Ok" Hawk said

"I'am going to make a breakfast" Y/N said and she bake 2 eggs and 4 beacons

"Here you go" Y/N said and give Hawk a 1 egg and 2 beacons

later at 5am at the morning

"Let's go on the rooftop to watch the sunrise" Hawk said and you smile

at the rooftop

"I wish you can tell to me what family you came from" Hawk said

"I want to but my mom don't want me" Y/N said

"Ok....by the way the sunrise is starting" Hawk said and you two look on it

by the way the sunrise is starting" Hawk said and you two look on it

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"Its so beautiful" Y/N said and the sun is marking on your eyes

"Beautiful like you" Hawk said and you two look on each other and Hawk notice that your blushing

"Stop teasing me" Y/N said and Hawk laugh

"I'm telling the truth" Hawk said

"Hey do you know how to sing?" Y/N ask Hawk nod

"Great have a duet with me" Y/N said

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