The signs as cliche movie lines

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Aries: *person is talking shit about someone while everyone is silent* "they're right behind me, aren't they?"

Taurus: "if I don't make it tell (significant other) I love them"

Gemini: antagonist telling protagonist "we're not so different, you and I"

Cancer: "dad he's not just some boy, I love him!"

Leo: *bad guys approach* " uh, guys. We've got company"

Virgo: "son you're giving up on you dream" "no dad, I'm giving up on yours"

Libra: "you look/sound/act like your mother"

Scorpio: "I don't even know who you are anymore"

Sagittarius: *going into the final standoff* "this ends now"

Capricorn: *looking warily off into the distance* "there's a storm coming"

Aquarius: "this isn't what it looks like"

Pisces: *going into a sketchy situation* "guys, I've got a bad feeling about this"

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