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"Can I come in ?"-Kai asked 

"Since you asked nicely, yes"-I said 

"Thanks"-Kai said then sat on the bed

"So what do you want ?"-I asked 

"You "-Kai said 

"Seriously"-I said 

"I just wanna talk "Kai said 

"Okay talk then"-I said 

"Let's play truth or dare"-Kai said 

"Mhmm start"-I said 

"Truth or dare"-Kai asked 

"Dare .... NO truth !"-I changed my mind 

"Nope sorry you said Dare first"-Kai said 

"Shoot"-I said 

"To make this fun a little imma introduce some alcohol . I dare you to take a shot of this"-Kai held up a bottle of strong alcohol 

"Is this safe ?"-I asked not knowing that it was strong 

"Yes it's safe"-Kai lied 

"Umm okay"- I took a cup and drank a lttle bit of the alcohol 

"How you feel ?"-Kai smirked a little 

"Normal , a little dizzy but normal"-I said 

"Hmph"-Kai said 

"Truth or dare ?"-I asked

"Dare"-Kai said 

"I dare you to take off your shirt"-I said

"That's it ?"Kai asked 

"Yeah"-I nodded 

"Okay"-Kai shrugged and took off his shirt 

"Truth or dare"-Kai asked

"Truth"- I said 

"When will I get to make love to you "-Kai asked 

"Never "-I smiled 

"I will one day just watch"- Kai said 

2 days later 

Your P.O.V 

"Sierra you excited for tomorrow"-You asked 

"Yeah it's gonna be my birthday !!"Sierra said 

"Haha what do you wanna do ?"-Chres asked 

"A late night house party "You said 

"I'm not sure about that Sierra"-Chres said

"Why not ?"-We are gonna be here, so will Kayla and Jayden and there's gonna be alcohol invloved and everything s just not gonna be right "-Chres said 

"See that's why imma have you 2 take Jayden and Kayla out for the night"-Sierra said 

"What do you think Yn ?"-Chres asked 

"Well she's not a littl kid anymore I have to admit . Lets give it a shot "-You smiled at Sierra 

"Ahhhh thanks mom"-Sierra hugged you 

"Fine . but if anything happens your gonna be grounded for a month "-Chres said 

"Thanks daddy . I love you guys !"-Sierra exclaimed 

"We love you too sweetheart"-You said 

"Great now I have to start inviting people and have drinks and food omg this is gonna be so fun !"-Sierra screeched 

Love & Betrayal . (A Trilogy to The Maid)Where stories live. Discover now