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"Yes ?"-You sighed 

"Look I'm sorry for everything . I know that you're mad at me and everything but I just wana say that I'm sorry . We shouldn't be arguing like this , I don't like it when we argue like this it's no fun"-Chres said 

"Yeah I know"-You said 

"I also have someting for you"-Chres said reching in his back pocket

"Umm okay"-You said looking confused 

"Happy Anniversary baby"-Chres smiled placing a diamond ring on your ring finger 

"Omg it's beautiful"-You said 

"All for you"-Chres smiled 

"Ahhh thank you !"-You hugged him 

"Did you think that I forgot ?"-Chres asked

"Honestly, I did"-You admitted 

"I could never forget baby"-Chres kissed you

"Awwww"-You kissed him back 

"Let's go back"-Chres said 

"Wait wait"-You said 

"What ?"-Chres asked 

"Lemme get on your back"-You cheesed 

"Haha sure"-Chres said 

You smiled and jumped on his back then yall went back into the living room where they were still watching Love & Basketball . Everyone kept on starring at yall .

"Problem ?"-You and Chres said 

"Nope"-The rest said 

"Good"-You said and jumped off his back 

You and Chres cuddled and watched the rest of the movie when you evntually fell asleep in his arms. 

"Aye, I'm going to take her to bed"-Chres wispered and left

"Alright"-Kim and Prod said as they were the only ones who didn't fall asleep 

"Soooo"-Prod said 

"I'm going to bed"-Kim rolled her eyes 

"Wait "-Prod said in a loud tone

"What ?"-You asked 

"Are you still mad at me ?"-Prod asked 

"Yes I am now can I get through ?"-Kim asked 

"Look . I was wrong"-Prod said grabbing her arm 

"Yes, you was"-Kim said 

"I just wan't your acceptance"-Prod said 

"... I wanna go to bed"-Kim said changing the subject 

"Just accept my apology then I'll let you go"-Prod said 

"Fine, I forgive you . Can I go now ?"-Kim asked gettng irritated 

"Just one more thing"-Prod said 

"What ?"-Kim asked but getting cut off by Prod kissing her 

"That"-Prod said staring into her eyes 

"I um .. I'm going to bed"-Kim said walking away 

The Next Morning 

Love & Betrayal . (A Trilogy to The Maid)Where stories live. Discover now