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"M-my father ?"-You stuttered 

"Yes"-Alex nodded

"But .. My father is d-dead"-Tears formed in your eyes 

"He's not , Yn . I shouldn't be telling you any of this but , you're father didn't die , he is alive"-Alex said 

"No he is dead"-You shook your head 

"He's in jail"-Alex said 

"What ?"-You whispered to yourself as tears fell from your face 

"I'm telling the truth"-Alex said 

"But why would he do such a thing ? Haven't I been tourched enough ?"-You sniffed 

"Look . I've got to go otherwise the police will lock me up too"-Alex said 

"Let me go !"-You shouted 

"I have to obey  your father's orders "-Alex said 

"You sick bastard . I hope that the police do find you and put you in there for the rest of your life . I hope you burn in hell along with my father ."-You looked at him 

Alex left without a word . You cried and cried until you eventually fell asleep . As soon as you woke up . You checked the time and it was 3 AM , you thought that maybe this was the only way that you could get out . You twisted the door knob but the door was locked . Fuck . You sighed and went over to the window and twisted the handle , it was a bit stiff but you eventually managed to open it . You was on the 3rd floor so it wasn't really that high, you looked over to the side and there was an emergency fire ladder there so you quickly ran down the ladders making sure that no one was there . All of a sudden you heard sirens , many boys from the trap house ran . Some escaped . Others didn't . I tried to run away when I bumped into one of the cops .

"I'VE FOUND HER !"-One cop screamed 

"What's going on ?"-You asked baffled 

"Are you okay miss Yn ? Do you need any assistance?"-Another cop asked 

"No sir, I-I'm fine"-You said 

"YN !"-Chresanto shouted and ran over to me 

"Everything is happenign too quickly"-You said 

"Baby ! Are you okay ?"-Chres asked 

"Yes I'm fine Chres"-You said 

"Miss we will need you to come down the police station"-One Cop said 

"Uhh"-You said 

"Sorry officer but it's a bit late . Can we come back in the morning"-Chres asked holding you tight 

"Sure"-The cop said 

"Thanks . Come on Yn the kids are in the car"-Chres said 

"Okay"-You followed him to the car 

Some cops went into the trap house and arrested some of the boys that were left . Many girl that looked beat up and terrible was lead out of the trap house also . A look of shock covered your face as you thought to yourself that if you stayed in there longer , that's how you would look like . You got in the car and stayed silent the whole time .

"Daddy , why won't mommy speak ?"-Jayden asked 

"I don't know"-Chres glanced at you 

At home 

"Okay kids go to bed while I take Kayla to bed"-Chres said 

Love & Betrayal . (A Trilogy to The Maid)Where stories live. Discover now