Chapter XIV

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The next day had rolled around quickly and Beca had been dying to talk to Chloe. She corresponded with the redhead via text message but she wanted to speak to her girlfriend in person. So, when English class finished, Beca was able to do just that.

"Miss Mitchell, what can I help you with today?" Chloe asked politely while the rest of the class were leaving and Beca waited until they were gone to talk.

"How'd it go last night?" Beca asked the night before in a text message but she wanted details.

"It went well. We had a great time AND, I ate." Chloe wanted to wait until they were in person to see Beca's reaction.

"You did?" Beca smiled. "What did you eat?"

"A hamburger AND fries." Chloe was proud.

"That's fantastic, baby!" Beca lunged forward and hugged the redhead.

Beca rarely was the one to initiate contact like that but she was so proud of her girlfriend she couldn't help but to do it.

Chloe giggled and kissed the brunette's head before she pulled away.

"I'm so proud of you," Beca grinned.

"Thanks, cutie."

Beca blushed at the name. Even though they had been dating for a month now and had been using pet names ever since they got together, they both felt the effects of their partner's terms of endearment.

"So, what have you got planned for the weekend?" Chloe asked.

"I've got soccer practice on Saturday and I plan to get all my homework out the way tonight so I've got the weekend to myself. What about you?"

"Just boring teacher stuff. Do you want to stay over at my place again?"

"When?" Beca asked, trying not to sound too excited.

"Saturday night, and Sunday if you wanted."

Beca didn't need long to think it over.

"Okay, sounds good."

"Really?" Chloe beamed.

"Really. I liked our sleepover the other night."

"Me, too." Chloe pulled Beca in for a kiss only for the brunette to extend it for a few extra moments. "What was that for?" Chloe smiled.

"You're just so hot. Like... wow."

Chloe flushed. "Thank you. You're not too bad yourself."

"Are you coming onto me, Miss Beale?"

"I might be..."

"Oh, well, you know the rules for that. I'm not sure how the law would take to those advances."

The redhead giggled and lightly slapped Beca's arm.

"Have you told anyone yet?" Beca asked.

"Aubrey knows I'm dating a student but she think's it someone else from another school called Anna."

"Anna?" Beca chuckled.

"Yeah, you suit the name Anna."

"That's a good idea actually. I might have to use that one."

"What, and call me Anna, too?"

"No, you don't look like an Anna..." Beca thought for a little bit. "I don't know, I'll figure something out."

"Okay," Chloe giggled. "Have you told anyone else about us?"

"No, only Stacie, and like I've said before - don't worry about her. She's all for us."

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