the start of everthing

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      Chapter -1

Wills pov

So I have been staying over at bayanis house for the last couple of days, I really wanted to PAX but I didn't have enough money to fly over and pay for a hotel. So Jordan offered to pay for me to fly over and stay at his apparntmet until PAX is over. It's been super nice staying over here but ever since I've been here Jordan's been acting weird around me, I hope he hasn't found out my secret..........

Jordans pov

So today's the day I pick up will and I'm super nervous, I mean I've known will for a long

time now and he's really cool,funny, adorable...  what No I'm straight I keeped repeating in my mind over and over again, until I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around my faces lighted up it's will, I go in for the hug and then take his suit Case to my car. It was some what of an akward drive to the apartment  we didn't talk at all just had a couple glances at each other. When we got the apartment I showed him his room and he amediatly fell straight to sleep. I could help but admire how cute he looked.         

secrectsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora