i sighed, wondering why me driving my friend home for the summer was such an issue for him. he didn't seem mad about it per se, but he was almost acting like he didn't want me to go. stokeley could be a huge baby at times.

"he's not even broke," i answered. "but he's scared of planes. he thinks he's gonna get into a plane crash."

"that's so stupid. he act like you can't get in a car crash too, ole scary ass." stokeley responded with a huff.

"we all have irrational fears, don't be mean," i scolded him. "just like your big ass is scared of the dark."

 "i aint scared of the dark. i just don't like when it's all pitch black and shit," he corrected me with a glare, walking over to the fridge to grab some snacks of his own, because of course his fat ass is. 

"remember when you were at my dorm and the power went out and you screamed like a bitch?" i reminded him.

"we just got done watching creepypasta videos dumbass, of course i was going to be a bit startled after that. it was too perfect of a coincidence, that's all," he defended himself, lying as usual.

"aw, stokeley pokeley is scared of the dark," i teased him.

he flipped me off before peeling open a stick of string cheese. "you play too damn much jah... so anyways about that road trip, you staying up there with him or what?"

"nah, i'm just driving him to canton and i'm coming back. he said he'll have his cousin drive him down here when the summer's over or something, but he also said he's going to take some jobs so he can save up to buy a better car or something, i don't know." i explained.

"so it's just gon be y'all two? by yourselves?" he asked with a perplexed look.

"yeah, just us two." i confirmed, getting a bit annoyed with his repetitive questions. "why are you asking so many questions? i told you about this trip on like tuesday."

he shook his head and made a disapproving face. "i don't know about that chief."

"what do you mean you don't know about that? what's the problem?" i asked.

"it's unsafe. on the way back you'll be just driving by yourself for 18 hours. what if something happens to you and nobody's there to help?" he asked.

"stoke shut your dramatic ass up," i sucked my teeth at him. "nothing's going to happen. you was just making fun of mikey for being scared of planes now look at you."

"forgive me for being worried about your V built ass then."

"you just trying to ask if you can come too without actually asking if you can come too. you ain't slick," i hopped off of the counter and threw away my trash.

"well...can i come too?" he looked at me with begging eyes.

i sighed at him. a big baby, just like i said. "yes stokeley, you can come too," i answered dryly.

his lips immediately curled into a smile. "this finna be fun, i never been on a road trip before."

i knew the real reason why stokeley wanted to come on the trip so bad, and it had nothing to do with wanting to go on a road trip. stokeley and i were best friends, and he was the type of friend to get jealous if his friends had other friends. he was never rude about it or nothing, but that's just how he was. he didn't want me alone with michael because he didn't want us to bond with each other and become best friends. i was lowkey the same way with him, so i understood, as childish as it was.

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