nine-"ill be your best friend"

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"EDEN, Bitch, wakey wakey," i heard from my phone right as i opened my eyes and the memories from last night quickly came to mind, putting a smile on my face.

"calm your tits, i'm awake," i chuckled as i rolled over and grabbed my phone off the nightstand, answering the texts i got while i was sleeping and sending my streaks.

"eds!" noah exclaimed in a groggy voice, which if you were wondering, was very cute.


"noah!" i replied in the same tone as him, clicking the green bar at the top of my screen to go onto the video chat.

"i'm coming over today. wait, can i come over today?" he had his phone propped up on who knows what, and he pulled a shirt over his shoulders.

"yes, you can come over. just let me shower first," i smiled, swinging my feet out of the bed and walking into the bathroom.

"ew, nudity!" noah shrieked as i set the phone by the sink, revealing me in sports bra and sweatpants.

"oh shut up," i laughed, picking my phone back up and turning the camera off, "i'm just gonna mute myself because the showers probably gonna be really loud. okay, i'll be out in like ten minutes!" i heard a small 'okay' as i muted it and changed out of my clothes, hopping in the shower.

1:07 PM

"noah! stop, that's my boob!" i screamed between laughs, causing noahs face to turn red.

he pulled his hands back from tickling me and scratched his neck, "sorry."

"you're fine," i climbed over him to the other side of the bed, "i'm so fucking bored! kill me sweet jesus!" i groaned, throwing my head back only to hit it hard on the bed frame, "fuck!"

"innocent eden cusses? wow, you learn something new everyday," he put his hands on his chin and shook his head.

i hit his shoulder, "hey! i can be a hashtag savage if i wanna be!" i stuck my bottom lip out and made pouty eyes.

"suddenly i'm a babysitter," he laughed as he sat up in my bed.

"bitch! i'm frickin sixty nine years old, respect your elders," i hit him once again.

"okay grandma," he stood up and walked around the bed, then he wrapped his arms around my torso and threw me over his shoulder, "we're going to get food somewhere."

"noah!" i screamed, "i would've gotten up by myself, put me down!" i kicked his thighs before he pushed me on the ground, "well that was nice," i huffed as i got off the floor.

"where should we go?" noah asked from behind me as we walked up the steps.

"i don't know," i shrugged, "what about lucy's deli?" i turned and looked at him as we stood in the kitchen.

"that sounds good. ew, i just realized we have school tomorrow," noah cringed saying the last part of his sentence.

"shh, dont say the 's word'," i put my finger over my mouth as i grabbed some money from my dads wallet, "ready to go?"

"are you positive you're supposed to just take money from your dad?" he furrowed his eyebrows, looking from me, to the money, and back up to me.

"i'm sure, noah," i smiled, "it's for food anyways, i'll just text him and tell him i took some. he doesn't like it when i pay for my own food," i shrugged.

"lucky," he whined, pushing the front door open and walking out with me behind him.

"i have no idea how to get there, so you're leading the way," i laughed, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear and started walking, "wait, you do know how to get there right?"

he chuckled, "yes, eden i know how to get there. my sister and i used to walk there all the time."

"you have a sister?"

"you didn't know i have a sister?" he looked down at me, squinting because of the sunlight shining on us.

"well, i've known you for like three days. what's she like?"

"she's my twin, her name is chloe. she's kind of a brat sometimes but i guess most of the time she's pretty cool," he smiled.

"she's your twin? woah. i don't think i've ever seen her at school," i said as i thought about what she would look like.

"weird. she goes to our school, she probably just has all her classes on the other side of the school," he shrugged.

"what does she look like? maybe i have seen her and i just didnt realize who she was."

"she looks like me!" noah exclaimed, laughing at his own joke.

"oh really, i wouldn't of guessed?" i said in a 'duh' voice, "show me a picture of her."

"mkay, you might go blind," he chuckled as he pulled out his phone and went into his camera roll.

"noah! if she's ugly, you're saying you're ugly. which you're not," i smacked his shoulder.

his cheeks turned a little bit red, almost unnoticeable, "are you sure about that?" he quoted john cena.

"yes, now show me the picture!" i grabbed his phone out of his hand, "aw! she's so pretty. i haven't seen her at school though," i handed the phone back to him.

"thank god we're here, my feet are killing me," noah complained, stopping in his tracks for a couple seconds to lift his foot up.

"we've been waking for like fifteen minutes," i laughed and opened the door to the small restaurant.

1:56 pm
noahs POV

i fake gasped as eden took one of my fries, "how rude!" i honestly didn't care, i just wanted to make her laugh.

"sorry! i regret getting chips instead of fries. i'm having french fry withdrawals," she laughed as she ate it.

"here," i laughed, swapping my plate of fries with her bag of chips, "i'd rather have these."

"yay!" she stuffed two more in her mouth, "thanks schnapp."

"no problemo," i ate a barbecue chip, "is that problem in spanish? or do people just say that," i furrowed my eyebrows and took a sip of my lemonade.

she shrugged, "we could watch dora and find out,"

"yeah, how about no?" i laughed and took one of the fries off the plate and ate it, "have you talked to finn about what happened?"

"no, i'm not really looking forward to seeing him at school tomorrow. i probably should talk to him about it, i'd be sad if we end up never being friends again," she made a sad face, probably realizing that she might lose finn.

"yeah, you should talk to him. don't lose your friendship over something small," i cringed inside. what if she ended up falling for finn? i hope not.

she took a bite of her sandwich and nodded, "you know what's crazy?"

"what's crazy?" i asked before biting into my turkey wrap.

"i hope this doesn't sound weird. i feel so close to you, and i've only known you for a few days. isn't that cool? how we just clicked like that? and the same with gracen. you guys are like my best friends already," she rested her chin on her hand.

"yeah, that is cool. i've never really been like super close with anyone," i shrugged, "i mean, chloe's always been my best friend. i was pretty close with finn a few years ago, but we drifted a little."

"well in that case, i'll be your best friend," she grinned proudly at me, setting her sandwich back down on her plate, "but first, you have to promise me that you'll be my best friend. oh! how about we pinky promise, that way we can cut off each other's pinkies if we ever end up hating each other or something," she laughed and stuck out her pinky finger.

"sounds good to me," i chucked, locking my pinky finger with hers.

authors note!!
8/3/18 - 4:10 pm

idk how to feel about this chapter, it's pretty cute but it's also cringey lmao oooops.


𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 ✾ (𝐧. 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐩)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz