Dream Demon Dipper

Start from the beginning

As bill started walking after he destroyed the barrier he stopped mid-step. Being the powerful dream demon he was, he sensed something was off. Turning around he looked at his surroundings. His servant beside him looked at his master.

"Master? Is something wrong?" He asked bill.

"No. I just thought that for a moment someone else was there. But it seems I was mistaken." Bill said before he turned around and started walking again. "Now then, where was I?" Bill asked.

"You said you wanted an island in the Atlantic." His servant replied.

"Oh right. I thought that we could chill out and relax while we wait for the prophecy to come to us." Bill said.

"But how will it come to us?" His servant asked.

"Isn't it obvious? Stan has a time machine. Meaning he's been to the future where the prophecy is common knowledge. When he gets back I'll just take a peek inside the old farts mind and find the prophecy. If it's not there I'll just send you or one of the others to the future and get it for me. Then we can get to work with no more distractions or obstacles in my way. I can finally take care of business." Bill said. He and servant then flew away thanks to bills magic. When he disappeared a owl hooted. This owl was pure silver with blue flecks and had bright blue pupils. While this wasn't dipper, it was connected to him. This beautiful silver female barn owl was actually dippers familiar. A magical beast that only he could summon. There were many perks to having a familiar, for one he could see and hear everything the familiar did so it was great for listening in on conversations. Getting a familiar wasn't that hard either. All you had to do was establish a connection with an animal. Any animal. Dipper had found this owl as a hatchling after she fell out of her nest. Taking her in dipper took care of her before making her his familiar. It was amazing, because before she was only 12 grams (meaning she was a runt) and was just a ball of fluff that couldn't fly. Afterwards though she was a giant sized silver barn owl at 18 inches and weighed a good 3 pounds making her much larger and heavier then any other barn owl found in America. She was also strong enough to fight and fend off large predators that would normally kill an adult owl. Dipper hypothesized that his familiars new found size and incredible strength was derived from dippers vast magical power. After she became his familiar dipper had to name her so thinking for a while he eventually settled on the name Noctua after the owl constellation. As dippers nickname comes from a constellation dipper found the name to be fitting. Thanks to noctua dipper knew that bill wasn't going to be hibernating now and he knew bills plan to get the prophecy faster. However he also knew that the dream demon from the future had set up some serious security against people learning the prophecy from the future designed for a plan like bills. So as of know dippers plan was simple. Find the library of arsdkpdrt. Just as dipper thought about this ford and the others all returned from the future. Turning noctua, dipper looked down at them as they talked amongst each other, with the fairy, and then realized that dipper wasn't there.

"Yeah. Yeah your probably right. He wouldn't forget about us." Pacifica Said. She then looked around again but more calm now. "We just might have to wait a little while for him to come back." Pacifica Said. Dipper looked at her sadly. Now that he was no longer human dipper felt like pulling her into this would be severely dangerous for her and how exactly would this work. Dipper was a dream demon now and she was a human, he couldn't turn her into a dream demon either because he wasn't powerful enough, and he didn't know if his mentor would be willing to make a deal to make her one. Even if he was willing what would it cost her. Dipper got off easy. She might not get as good of a deal as he made. In the end dippers ultimate decision had been to leave her out of what's to come. So taking a moment to look at Pacifica, dipper used it to memorize every little detail of her as possible. He wanted to remember her like this. Who knows what will happen and if dipper will ever see her again. Dipper then had noctua leave and head to the wrecked remains of the mystery shack. There was something in that wreckage dipper sorely needed.

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