"Hmm who is it"-Kai asked 

"This boy"-I smirked 

"Boy ? Sorry nope I'm not letting him in like that "-Kai demanded 

"Excuse me but first of all is this your house ? Second , you don't own me to be saying stuff like that okay ? Thrid, anyways it'll be too late because he's already on his way over now"-I smirked feeling acomplished 

"I'll tell your parents that you had a boy come over while they were at the hospital"-Kai said 

"You wouldn't !"-I said 

"Hahaha but I would "-Kai smirked now feeling acomplished 

"UGHHHH I HATE YOU"-I stormed upstairs 

After a while I heard my door room open 

"Go away"-I said 

"No"-Kai said 


I turned around to see that Kai was naked and had a towel around his waist . He looked soo fresh and his hair was wet .

"Cat got your tongue ? You like what you see "-Kai asked walking closer to you 

" I-I- I I .."-I stuttered 

"Shh"-Kai put his finger on my lips 

"But I"


Oh God, what was about to happen ? I was freaking on the inside but didn't show it . I'm not ready for this ! I need to make an excuse real quick before it's too late . I felt him touch on my body with his warm hands as he kissed me from my neck , leaving a hickey, down to my navel . This was soo wrong but felt soo good . He knew what he was doing but I didn't .

Oh no.

I felt him un zipping my shorts as his hand travelled into my panties . I tried to stop him but I couldn't . He kept on kissing, licking and sucking on my neck which made me moan . That when I felt something inside me . Was he fingering me ? He was. I was . I gasped but he just told me to shh so I did. He went faster then added another finger and another . My moans only got louder and louder . Then I felt something build up inside of me then shoot out . I looked at Kai and he smirked . He looked as if he had acomplished something . He licked his fingers and looked up at me.

"How was that ?"-He asked grinning 

" I-I I don't know"-I said still shocked for what just happened

"Was you scared"-Kai asked

" A little"-I admitted 

"You thought I was gonna take your virginity ?"-Kai chuckled 

"Mhmm"-I noded slowly 

"Nah"-Kai shook his head no 

The door bell rang 

"Shit Derrick"-I quickly fixed myself and rushed down stairs to open the door 

"Derrick whose Derrick ?"-Kai asked himself 

"Derrick"-I jumped on him

"Aha Sierra"-Derrick chuckled 

"I missed you boy"-I laughed and jumped off him 

"I know . I tried calling your phone again after your mom cut it off"-Derrick said 

"Oh . Well sorry about her and she kinda took away my phone"-I looked to the side 

Love & Betrayal . (A Trilogy to The Maid)Where stories live. Discover now