Taking a Toll On My Sanity.

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Mkaayyyyyy~ so, like, here goes another chapter ^.^ enjoy!

Victor's POV

I felt like everything was slowly fading from my mind, like everything was pointless.

My wedding night was supposed to be one to look forward to, but instead, it's the night my death was to take place.

"Till death, do us part, death has already parted you"

"So," came Godrick's reply, "if we were to cause death would it then be proper?"

"Well...yes, he would have to drink a special elixir, a poison to stop his heart instantly."

Godrick had turned to my stricken figure with a smile.

"Then death it is!"

I sobbed into my arms, huddled in the corner of the room I'd been locked in, shivering at the cold breeze that flew through the barred window without glass.

I could here the faint sound of singing from the undead bar in the distance, and sobbed harder as the words fell upon my ears.

A wedding... a wedding... we're going to have a wedding!

Boisterous laughter followed, as well as Godrick's voice, and I bit my lip, looking over to the other side of the room at my 'present'. It was the dog I'd had when I was little, the flesh rotting and if not for the window having no glass, I would have suffocated from the smell by now.

How could it get worse than this... Aleksandr... help...

Aleksandr's POV

"Dammit!" I cursed yet again, pacing my bedroom yet again.

It had been six hours since I'd been locked in here on the account that I had spent a very long time in the woods searching for Victor, then being dragged back almost kicking and screaming, by the household members, to the house.

My heart hurt more and more with each second, the piece of paper scrunched in my hand only served to worsen the pain.

He's mine, and in a very, very short amount of time he'll be as dead as I am.


Long ago I had heard of a mafia man by that name, that had been killed whilst he slept.

The dead couldn't really come back could they?

I have to find out...

Out my window I went, climbing down steadily as if I had snuck out many times before, and I had.

The first place on my mind that may know the answers to such questions was the one place I usually detested the most, the church.

Hayden's POV

I looked up at the mansion my car had just pulled up in front of in glee.

I'd been given the perfect opportunity to do what I wanted, or more like get what I wanted.

I stepped out of the car, smirking to my real lover, who gave me a smirk in return, and I pulled on a fake concerned look as I walked up to the house, knocking on the door which was answered by a snobby looking butler who turned up his nose at me.

A pair of people bustled up to me, a tall, thin lady who had a cold look engraved on her face, and a man who just looked at everything with disgust.

"Ahhh! Mr. Lawly! So glad you could come!"

I gave the woman a warm smile, whilst smirking on the inside in triumph.

"Yes it's an honor to be here, no signs of the lad I presume?"

The mother of my soon-to-be-husband shook her head.

"No, the ungrateful brat ran away, not that it matters, because you are here now!"

I beamed at them and nodded, then was lead with then to the drawing room where we discussed my wedding plans.

Soon Aleksandr... soon all your money will be mine, and you, dearest, will be dead.

And speaking of my dearest fiancé, wasn't that him being dragged in shouting angrily about the undead to his room? With a highly displeased priest leaving through the door?

Taking care of this will be easier than I thought.

AAHHHHH IT'S THE FALSELY RICH TWINK!!! Well actually, he had money, he just finally spent all of Go- i mean someone elses ^.^ HAHAHA seeing as this book was made to be short, there are only three or four more chapters to go after this!!!

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