A New Beginning

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Sean POV

Today is the day I finally can leave home. Professor Ivin gave me a Pokédex to collect Pokémon data as I go along my journey. I'm not alone though. I have deino, who is the goofy one of the group. Shinx, who is the quiet but friendly one. Last but not least Houndour, who is the loyal but powerhouse of my team so far. For today my main goal is to get to the next town and by more supplies such potions and poke balls. Route 301 wasn't long or hard to get through. I arrived at Grosemary City. The ciy was awfully lively today. I walked over to a crowd of people who seem to be upset at something or someone

Lady: help someone he took my precious Pichu out my hands!

Renegade Grunt: shut it lady the boss needs all the pokemon he can get.

Who is this guy?!

Sean: hey give her pokemon back!
(Play battle music here)

Renegade Grunt: shut it kid *he throws a poke ball up in the air and our came his zubat

Sean: wow a zubat man your a bad trainer *sends out shinx and commands it to use spark knocking out his zubat*

Renegade Grunt: what the... here take it stupid brats *he ran off giving the lady her pokemon back

Lady: thank you so much young man here take this *hands him a town map*

Sean: hehe no problem and thanks. At least now I won't struggle looking for the first gym

*she smiled and walked off*

After that I made it to the pokemart . I bought a bunch of poke balls and potions thanks to the money I won from beating that Grunt. Once I did that I left Grosemary City to continue to my next destination...Zeffari City.

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