"A little." He pokes his bottom lip out and turns away.

"Shut up." I laugh walking past him and down the hall to the nursery. "Cameron this perfect."

"Took long enough." He laughs. "But it was worth it, the look on your face was priceless." he nods walking in.

"I love it! I love you." I turn to look at him. He stares for a minute.

"You mean that?"


"Say it again." he comes closer to me.

"I love you Cameron. I really do."

"I love you more." he kisses me. It felt so soft, and lovely. I fell in love all over again. "Take me back. I promise I won't hurt you anymore. I just need you. You just make everything better. Forgive me."

"I already forgave you Cameron. But being together is gonna take time. And it's definitely not gonna happen with you sleeping around."

"Let me move in. I can stay in the guest room like always and we can just co-parent that way. We can just be like roommates or something. It could be nice. And a good way to start working things out."

"Gimme a month to think about this."

"A month?"

"Yes. Plus if you earn it, it could happen sooner than that."

"Is this because of Mitchell?"

"He just suggested that me and you co-parent from a distance."

"Why the fuck is he in our business? We have nothing to do with him Aleyah. I hate that guy and you know that."

"Okay but I don't. I just don't wanna rush into this idea because it sounds good, I need to know if it's a good idea."

"I understand. But I don't want you around Mitchell."

"I don't want you around Tiffany, and I never seem to get that."

"If that's what you want fine. I don't have to be around her. I can just be with you and Madelyn."

"Cameron you can't move in yet. That is gonna take some time. I don't wanna talk about it right now. I'm tired and my feet hurt. So. I'm gonna go lay down, you're welcome to hold me til I fall asleep." I walk away. The last thing I need is for Cameron to stress me out about this. He should understand, but then again I didn't really expect him to.

Cameron POV

The talk with Aleyah last night really has me upset. Since when did Mitchell have a say so in our relationship? Were they more than friends or what? I don't know but I'm gonna do whatever I can to make sure she's back with me as soon as possible. Considering this is the last game of the season I invited Aleyah, and forbid her to show up with Mitchell.

"Cam, bro you alright?" Rick smacks my helmet.

"Yeah, I'm good."

"The scouts are out there, you need to bring your A game fellas." Benson says. "It's been a crazy year and the last time out here on this field for you guys graduating. And we don't have to win, but we should make it count!" After his speech we made our way to the field. I look over at the bleachers, and my number one fan was there with one of my hoodies on, and ear muffs. She looked beautiful with the baby bump poking out. I thought it was absolutely gorgeous. I wave and she waves back smiling. She blew me a kiss, and I caught it, placing my hand over my heart.

"Let's Go!" I yell as we fell into a huddle. "Alright ladies, we don't need to stress this game, we got this! Just block me. Cut off anybody coming my way, and that will be our first touch down this game and it sure as hell won't be our last. Break!" we fall into position.

"Make it count!" Coach yells one more time.

"Down, set. Red 18! Hike!" I back up as if I was throwing the ball, and then I take off running straight down the middle. l juke at least three people before making it there the crowd goes crazy! "Hell yeah!" I spike the ball. I look at Aleyah she was standing up clapping. I dust off my shoulders and wipe my shoes and point at her. A little victory dance we came up with a while back. she said it means "We're too fresh for this Shit", she does it back and people laugh.

When the game was over Tiffany was out by my car waiting for me, I was walking with Aleyah talking about the game.

"Um what are you doing?" Tiffany crosses her arms.

"He's going out to dinner to celebrate his win with me." Aleyah says.

"Cam, I thought we were back together."

"I never said that."

"Yeah but, we're supposed to celebrating."

"Tiffany look, whatever we had is done, so you might as well just leave me alone. My baby mother and little girl come before anyone-"

"So it is your baby?"

"I don't see why it wouldn't be?" Aleyah says.

"Look Tiffany, just leave us alone okay?" I lift the door for Aleyah, and I get in myself, and without another word to her, I ride off. I hated how stubborn she was being.

"Aren't you Cameron Phillips?" This bald guy walks up to us, later that night at an Italian restaurant Ottimo Cibo.

"Yes sir."

"Robert Andrews, the scout for California State University." He firmly shakes my hand. "This here is my wife Katherine Andrews. May we join you?"

"Oh, sure of course."

"And may I ask who this lovely young lady is here?"

"Oh this is Aleyah, and the beauty in here is Madelyn." I rub her stomach. I like to make it known that she is carrying my child, and that a part of me is with her.

"How wonderful!" His wife says. All dinner we sat and talked about my life and whatnot and his life. We just finished dinner, and we were all walking outside to the cars.

"What I came to do was propose you an offer before all the other scouts do," he clears his throat. "I watched you play Phillips, and I don't say this often but I was very impressed. You have skill kid! And how about this, if you attend Cali State, a whole four years would be paid for for you, and you can major and minor in anything you want. No cost, except 10% if you make it pro, if not, then you have a free ride." He nods.

"That's a very good offer, but I have to check with my family and the other scouts before making any decisions."

"I understand. And I respect your wishes. But when you decide you want this scholarship, here's my card, you just give me a call and we can discuss this in depth, and have everything set in stone."

"Thank you sir." We shake hands once again before going in opposite directions. Truth is, I didn't plan on going to college football and basketball is just something to keep me in school. I plan on taking over one of my dad's business after just a year or two of business classes online. That why I don't have to go to some college far away from Aleyah and Madelyn and I'll be close to them without any problems. But this does have to be discussed with my parents.


That is baby Madelyn's Room. Its like lynn, not line. Madelyn. Maddie for short! Isn't it gorgeous?

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