Chapter 26

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Three days passed since Harry returned back to good old London. The storm finally subdued in the UK and Ireland and the government finally allow the people go out in public. Business was back as usual.The buzzing of the streets in London.The people walking around town.

Today was going to be a very busy day for the curly haired man. Harry had everything planned. It will take every ounce of will power and determination but Harry has do everything today. 

He finally reached the Horan&Co building in the heart of London. Harry looked up the tall sky scrapper. Hard to believe this entire building is his ex's. The tall majestic tower seems to pierce through the clouds. His heart twitched as he noticed the familiar street curb in the corner outside the building. That was the spot when Niall and himself realized they were dating each other. And also the first time, they broke up. 

That seems like a million years ago. 

Harry pushed the memory away. It was too painful. He inhaled the scent that filled his nostrils, the lobby smelled incredibly similar to Niall. Vanilla and honey. He chuckled. When they dated, Niall did told him he spends so much time in the office that he smells like the Horan building.  

Harry greeted the concierge and asked him for a visitor card. He booked a meeting with Zayn this afternoon. 

The baker took a long ride to the top floor. He felt nervous. It was going to be his first time meeting Zayn since Niall and himself broke up. He wasn't sure how Zayn is going to react when he meets him. Niall surely told Zayn he what happened in Ireland. 

Harry takes a deep breath. 


"This is my letter of resignation Zayn" muttered Harry as he placed the sealed envelope on the table.  

Zayn raised an eyebrow at the envelope on his desk. His eyes then tore away to the man sitting before him. Harry looks so different since the first day he saw him. He used to look like the boy-next-door with fantastic curly hair and that cheeky grin plastered on his face. But now, he looks matured. His hair was longer. He has a slight shadow on his face. 

"Are you sure mate?" asked Zayn. 

Harry shook his head, "I'm certain. The contract states, one year with the company. And my one year has officially expired." 

Zayn took a deep breath. He wasn't expecting this. He thought Harry wanted a get-together to catch up. 

"Well, I don't think I can convince you otherwise. So what's your plan after this mate?" asked Zayn, leaning closer to the man. 

Harry send a soft smile to his friend. Zayn definitely looks rested now. He no longer had those dark circles underneath his eyes, and he was primed to perfection. Just like he likes it. 

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