The Brat - Part 2

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Nanny McPhee, I'm not, but I was trying really hard to be loving and supportive.  It was my first day and already Hwan had me running around after him cause he could only sit still for a few moments.   He had an inquisitive mind and wanted to know and experience everything at once.  He was not used to obeying anyone and found it especially enjoyable to annoy his brother.  As I picked up the mess he had made in his room, in my attempt to keep him occupied the room had become an explosion of toys. He slipped out of my sight and apparently by the yells coming from his brother's room he was doing something to annoy him again.  His brother Yoongi came in dragging the little one kicking and screaming.  "Can't you keep him in here!  It's your job you know!" He yelled.

"I'm sorry but it's my first day and you are supposed to help me."  I scooped up the toddler and put a pacifier in his mouth balancing him on my hip as he squirmed and tried to free himself.

"I've been struck with the brat forever. I need a break." Yoongi said exasperatedly.

"Yes, I'm sure you do.  He's more than a handful but don't call  him a brat."

"Then please do your job."  He said glaring at me.  

"Can I take him to the park, Yoongi?"

"Yes take him, I don't care," he snapped at me.

"Woongi-shi come!" The little one cried.

"No baby, go with the nice girl.  Isn't she pretty?" Yoongi said.

I couldn't believe the gorgeous boy with platinum hair was telling his brother I was pretty.  Up until now, I thought he only saw me as dumb and incompetent.  Avoiding me every chance he got.  The little boy hugged his leg and wouldn't let go.  This made Yoongi giggle enjoying the affection from the little tyrant and the little one gave him the cutest smile.  I thought we had cleared the air but then Yoongi scolded me yet again.  

"I don't like him coming into my room and moving things.  If he breaks one more thing, I'm going to lose it!  Please keep him and yourself out of my room."  He turned and walked away leaving the little one pouting after him. 

The nerve of this guy.  "He's your brother, you brat," I said to his back, using the word I just told him not to use.

I got Tae-Hwan ready to go to the park and packed a little cooler with drinks and fruit for us to snack on.  Before leaving I knocked on Yoongi's door to ask him quickly where the park is.  

An exasperated, "what?" came from behind the door.  

"Yoongi, please just give me directions to the park," I pleaded trying not let him get to me.

He opened the door pulling on a t-shirt giving me a quick shot of his flat stomach.  

"Can't you look it up on your phone?"  He looked at me like I'm stupid. 

"I don't know the name. Can't you just tell me?"  I was getting sick of his sass.  

"Yeah, that's right just give him more sugar!" He said looking at Hwan.

"Yeah, that's right just give him more sugar!" He said looking at Hwan

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"Woongi, pweese." Hwan pleaded.  "Hwan won't lose my Woongi-ssi!" He said and continued to suck his lollipop.

Yoongi couldn't help himself and he smiled.  "Aren't you sick of me Hwan?"  He said softly.

"Neber!"  Hwan said seriously shaking his head.

"Okay, I'll go,"  Yoongi said softening, at last, feeling a little guilty remembering when he lost Hwan at the park.  "But, you owe me cuddles later."  In spite of the sass Yoongi gave me, he was actually quite sweet with his brother.  Carrying him and kissing his little head as we walked.

I shot him a smile of thanks and our little group left for the park.

When we got there, Little Hwan ran to the sandy play area with his little bucket and shovel and immediately started making holes in the sand.  I smiled at how cute he looked and sat down on the bench across from him.  Yoongi walked across me and sat down next to me. 

"Would you like some juice?" I offered him.

"No. Keep both eyes on him. Trust me I've lost him more than once.  My mom will kill me if I lose him again."

"Oh my goodness!  Was this a bad idea?" I said genuinely scared.

Yoongi looked at me and giggled.  "I thought you weren't scared."

"Don't look at me like that

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"Don't look at me like that." I said my ears turning red returning my gaze to the boy burying his toys.

"Like what?" He asked.

"You know, sexy like."

"You think I'm sexy?" 

"No!" I said too shy to look into his eyes.

"You're cute when you're shy." He said.

After our little outing that day, it became a habit for Yoongi to accompany me and Hwan in the afternoons to get ice cream. Yoongi said it was better than bribing him to be good with candy. 

Our relationship was a little more relaxed and I started to enjoy my job, especially when I called him Woongi-ssi for laughs

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Our relationship was a little more relaxed and I started to enjoy my job, especially when I called him Woongi-ssi for laughs.

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