16. I can't believe it! You naughty girl!

Start from the beginning

“Listen, remember I told you about my grandparent’s anniversary weeks ago?” I nodded, “Well, it’s tomorrow. You’re still going with me?” the plead in his eyes melt my heart. I knew he didn’t want to deal with seeing them by himself. I’d promised him I’d go with him and I would keep my promise.

“Of course,” relief crossed over his face, “I haven’t had the chance to buy a dress though,”

“You don’t need to worry about that. You’ll look beautiful in anything you wear,” he caressed my cheek. I blushed.

“You only say that because love blinds you,” I retorted playfully.

“Is that so?” he leaned forwards, “I have to disagree. I still remember the way my heart beat faster the first time I saw you on Skype.” His nose brushed mine, “I’ve never seen a girl looking so naturally gorgeous, you caught me off guard.”

I close the short distance between us and kissed him softly. When I pulled away, Evan was giving me genuine smile.

“What was that for?” he asked, licking his lips.

“For being so cute,” I said honestly.

He raised his hands in surrender, “I have my moments.”

“So, how did you end up being my teacher?”

“I didn’t plan it.” He replied, “My aunt got me the job.”

“I’m really happy that you’re living with your aunt now.”

“Why?” he asked curiously, “Because I’m not living with Jane anymore?” he prompted.

I chuckled, “No, that’s not the reason,” he gave me a look of disbelief, “okay, maybe partly but that’s not the main reason.”

“I know.” He said knowingly, “It actually feels good to be out of that house.”

“I can imagine.”

“It’s a temporary thing though,”

“Why?” I looked at him. He was staring up at the sky deep in thought.

“I don’t want to take advantage of her hospitality,”


“She has taken care of Helen all these years. I’m so grateful for it. She has done enough for us. I don’t want to be a burden for her,”

“Evan,” I held his hand, “I’m sure that’s not the way she sees you. She’s your aunt, she’s family.”

“You really don’t wanna bring up the family thing,” he said sorrowfully. I knew he had just remembered his father. I caressed the back of his head.

“You should stay in your aunt’s house. I don’t want you going back to that house where everything happened. That’s torture for you and you know it. We’ve talked about this.”

Evan sighed, “I just…”

“You should sell the house,” Evan flinched.


“What’s the point of keeping it? So, you can torture yourself everytime you walk through that door? I don’t think so.”

“It’s my home, Jules,” he reasoned, staring at me.

“No, it isn’t.” I shook my head, “Home is not a house. It’s not walls, ceilings and windows. It’s not something tangible. Home is something you build up with love, nice memories and happiness. It’s a feeling, it’s that great sensation of belonging somewhere.” I spoke with my heart in hand, “A house without a family, without people, is just a house, Evan.”

He gave me a sad smile, “You impress me, Jules. Sometimes, you don’t speak like you’re seventeen. And I love that about you,”

“Well, I have learned a lot from life.” I gave him a smile of my own, “And I know letting go of that place is hard but you have to do it eventually. And you’re not alone anymore, Evan. Don’t forget that,” I squeezed his hand and he raised it to kiss my knuckles.

I looked up at the sky, “Stars are so beautiful. They’re just proof the work of God.”

“You know,” he started, his breath brushing my knuckles, “I’ve never been a guy with a lot faith. Specially, after what happened with my family. But then it came a point where I didn’t think I could keep going.”  I felt tears forming in my eyes, “I was just so close to giving up, Jules. It was just not the pain, it was the guilt. It was killing me from the inside out.” He took a pause to take a deep breath, “I was so angry at God, at life, at myself. I kept picturing how happy Mom, Helen and I could have been if I hadn’t opened my mouth.”


“I yelled profanities at God when I was finally giving up. I was tired of struggling my way through life. I was tired of fighting the pain, the sorrow, the guilt. I was just done. I wanted to close my eyes and never opened them again. I wanted death’s numbness. I remembered going to my town’s church in the middle of the night, drunk as fuck. I spent the entire night talking aloud in that church, hoping someone up there in the sky could hear me out. I had no energy left to keep going.” I watched him rub his face.

“I…” I really didn’t know what to say.

Evan continued, “The day after that, I met you and your cheesy novels. And it felt like God was rubbing on my face the possibility of happiness, the good side of life.” He looked at me, “You saved me. You picked my interest in life again. It was a miracle. You are my miracle, Jules. You are my foundation to believe again.” A tear escaped my eyes, “I wasn’t a man of faith until I met you, because whatever is up there in the sky sent you to me when I needed you the most.”

“That’s…” my voice broke. He wiped my tears away and held my face with both hands. His gorgeous dark eyes were looking right into mine.

“Saying I love you doesn’t cover half of the way I feel about you.” His lips brushed mine, “This is more than three words. You are more than just a feeling. You are a beautiful walking miracle, Julie Ann Jones.”

“I love you,” I said even though words didn’t seem enough after what he had just told me, “And I know those words are probably not enough but-” he kissed me, interrupting me. My heart turned warm inside my chest.

Was it possible to be so happy?

I guess it was. But remembering Evan’s words, I thanked the divine individual up there in the sky for putting me in his way. It felt like this was all planned out by someone else.

The cheesy writer and the dark poet…

The girl and the shark…

I pulled away from him but kept him close, “You and I,” I intertwined my fingers with his, “are one.”

“Until the day I die,” he promised, “And even after that.”

“For the eternity?” I whispered on his lips.


Growing up (MWL's sequel)✔️Where stories live. Discover now