"Yeah, that's right. A princess..." You say, tying to look out the window, only to find that they were so dark you couldn't see a thing. "So, why did you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Marry a princess?"

"Because, well..."

"Com'on tell me please."

"I don't know really. I guess no one acted as if I had another choice." You think about this for a moment, and are about to respond but without warning the door closest to Louis opens and your personal security guard climbs in, along with a man you don't recognise.

"Let's get going driver! We need to be at the reception in 30 minutes or less!" Chantal almost yells at the driver. "Hello Miss Sara, Louis.  Miss Sara, you look beautiful, as always."

"You always say that, Chantal, but thanks anyway. Who is this?" You say, nodding and smiling towards the man beside her.

"I'm Paul, Princess Sara," He says, holding out his hand to shake, "I'm Louis' Head of Security ."

Louis chuckles at this and says, "Basically, to me and the boys, he's our baby sitter."

"The boys?" You repeat, confused. 'What boys?' You question yourself.

"You know, the rest of the band!" Paul says, a weird look on his face.

"Oh right, you don't know, do you?" Louis says, eyes searching your face.

"No, she doesn't know anything about you Louis! You've been told this, haven't you?" Chantal says, a little too quickly, but your used to that. You know that she never lets her guard down, but sometimes she gets a little carried away.

"But wouldn't she know already? She should at least recognize him!" Paul says to Chantal, looking a little red.

"Not if Miss Sara's too busy with her studies and duties! She has a different view on the world than other girls her age! She cannot be side tracked with silly things like boy bands!" Your getting a little worried, Chantal raises her voice a lot, but only when she's getting really frustrated. You try to say something to calm her but are never given the chance. She and Paul are acting as if you and Louis weren't even there.

"What is her entertainment then?!?! Does she honestly have no say in what music she listens too by herself? You'd think that she would at least be a little exposed to the outside world!" You stiffen, you have always thought the same thing, but hearing it like that... You realise that Louis has his hands clenched tightly, seeming as if he was holding himself back. But who's side is he on?

"WILL YOU BOTH JUST PLEASE SHUT UP AND LET SARA SPEAK FOR HERSELF?!?! SHE HAS BEEN TRYING to get heard for the past 5 minutes but neither of you have even given her a chance! Please!" Louis' voice quiets in the middle of his sentence because of the sudden quietness in the limo. You smile looking at Chantal and Paul's shocked faces, apparently it's not like Louis to speak out like that.

"Your right, Louis. I'm terribly sorry Princess, I kind of forgot you were in the car." Paul almost mumbles, looking at the ground like he's been sentenced to death or something worse. You have to bite your lip to stop from smiling.

"My sincerest apologies, Miss Sara. I didn't mean to get carried away like that." Chantal says looking you straight in the eye. You can't help but admire Chantal's bravery, unlike others, she will always go with what her head tells her, and doesn't care what the consciences are, she just takes it and moves on. Even if it means losing her job in the process.

"You're both forgiven, for now." That's all you manage to say before you burst out laughing; You can't help it, you find this all too funny. A couple seconds pass and you look over to Louis, who is barely able to hold in his laughter as well. Finally, he gives in and you both are laughing so hard, you find yourselves out of breath and making random motions with your hands, one of which you've heard others call the 'Retarded Seal'.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2012 ⏰

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