“So tell me all about it,” He says making himself comfy on your small bed, and grabbing a pretzel from the bag you left there. You laugh as he has, like always, completely made himself at home.


“It was so amazing,” You begin to tell him as you struggle to sit on your bed. It was only a twin and your best friend was no small boy. He moved over so you were sitting Indian style next to his waist (as he was lying down).


“We played all these cool games, and I met all these amazing people. The food was absolutely horrendous, except the cookies you sent, they were amazing, thank you. My counselor, Maclain, oh my gosh she was absolutely awesome! You would’ve loved her, Hayes-” Your camp rant is briefly interrupted by your phone ‘pinging;’, showing you have a new text. You pick it up and read it, not able to control your giggle.


“Who is it?” Hayes asks you, craning his neck to see your phone.


“Just a friend from camp,” You say as you type out a reply. You put your phone back down on the bed and continue to tell Hayes about your trip away, but not soon after you’re interrupted once more by your phone. You giggle again as you read the cute text, reply, and then put your phone face down back on the bed.

The expression on Hayes’ face is clear that he is not pleased. You haven’t seen each other in 22 days, the longest you’ve ever been apart, and you’re hardly paying attention to him. You’re so preoccupied with your phone.

“I’m sorry, Hayes,” You say, giving your best friend the honest apology he deserves.

“It’s fine, Ana, I was just hoping we could hang out just the two of us, no distractions. I mean I haven’t seen you in 3 weeks, I missed you so much,” He said. You nod as you make eye contact with him.


The silence is broken by another ‘ping’ from the phone.

“For fucks sake!” Hayes says and grabs it before you can. He flips over so the phone is under him and you can’t reach it.

“Hayes! Give it back!” You say and climb on top of him, grabbing for your phone.


“Ana? Who they hell is Lucas?” He asks and gently slides you off him. He sits up so he’s facing you and hands you your phone back.

“He’s just a friend... From camp...” You say and snatch it from him. “It’s none of your business anyway,”

“Yes it is! I care about you and this Lucas person doesn’t seem to be a good guy.”

“You don’t even know him!”

“That doesn’t matter! Besides, I thought you said most of the guys were gay?”


“Yeah... ‘Most’... Not all of them.” Hayes groaned and flopped backwards so he was dangling off the bed.

“Hayes... You should go. A bunch of my camp friends and I are going to skype soon and you probably don’t want to be here for that.”

“Is Lucas gonna be there?”

“So what if he is?!”

“Well if he is then I think it’s best if I stay.”

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