Chapter 2

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 Several hours pass. A helicopter lands near the cave. Jenny Halsey joins Nick, Chris and Greenway who stand outside.  

Jenny: You?

Jenny slaps Nick.

Greenway: You know each other?
Nick: I don't know you, Miss... Miss...
Jenny: Okay. Sergeant Morton thinks that I'll be too embarrassed to tell you that I had him in my hotel room three nights ago in Cairo. And whilst I was sleeping, he ran away and left me. What a gentleman. I'm not embarrassed, Nick. Disgusted, yes. Regretful? Certainly. But mainly, just amazed at your ability to mimic all the qualities of genuine human intimacy if only for 15 seconds.

Chris chuckles.

Nick: Okay. Sir, I admit that Miss Halsey and I did spend a delightful evening in Cairo. A very long and satisfying evening, if her reactions are to be considered sincere. But, sir, I left with fond memories. Now, perhaps I may have neglected to say goodbye to her the next morning, only because she was exhausted and I didn't wanna wake her. Okay.

Greenway: You'll solve your personal problems later.
Jenny: So, where's the discovery?

They go to the cave and she looks at the doors and reads the hieroglyphs.

Jenny: "Forbidden".
Nick: What the hell?
Jenny: That's strange. We are like a thousand of kilometres away from the Nile where the vast majority of ancient Egyptians and all pharaohs were living. We have to open the doors.
Chris: I think we should do the opposite thing, it's a warning.
Nick: Okay, let's bomb them.
Jenny: Are you crazy?! We need to remove the doors very carefully. Even a part like this is consequential to the history of Egypt. Colonel, this is a significant find. I need your men to assist me.
Greenway: We're not even supposed to be here.
Jenny: It is my job to make sure that anything of value stays out of enemy hands and is safe.
Greenway: We have no idea what could be there.
Jenny: The contents of Tutankhamun's tomb alone were valued at 650 million pounds sterling. Understand?
Chris: Oh. Um... Colonel? If I may. With a couple of shaped charges, we could just close this cave right up and Miss Halsey can come back another day.
Greenway: Shut up. Okay. You got two hours, then we're moving out. Sergeant, you're getting inside with her.
Jenny: Him?
Nick: Me?
Greenway: Yep.
Nick: Sir...
Greenway: That's an order.
Chris: I'll be right here on duty.
Greenway: Get in the damn cave, Vail!
Chris: Oh, man!


After some time with wedges and crowbars they manage to open the doors. Chris takes a camera and starts filming Jenny and the tomb.

Jenny: It is definitely a tomb. I'm in a large antechamber of some kind. It's empty. There is an inscription on the northern wall: "Cursed be those who enter the tomb. They shall meet death when the creature takes their..." The part of the wall with the end of this sentence is lost.
Chris: Why did they write such things?
Jenny: To keep everyone away and secure person's serenity in the tomb.
Nick: Hey, there are other doors.
Jenny: You're right. It's written "Plague" on them. Okay, we need to open them.
Chris: Shouldn't we trust these inscriptions and leave this place?
Jenny: Don't be silly. What can happen?

After almost an hour they enter the second room.

Jenny: I have never seen such a strange room in my entire life. It's like a narrow corridor and its floor is some metres below with fixed wooden spears, their tips are turned into the ceiling, so intruders would fall and die.
Chris: Okay, this is really creepy.

They put boards that connect the doors of the second and the third rooms. Finally, they open the last doors and are astonished.

Jenny: It's a very big chamber. There are pictures on the walls depicting... screaming people who look at the sky... and... Set... and a woman. It looks like people are afraid of her. Then there is a text on one of the walls. It's weird. There isn't a single provision made for someone's journey into the underworld. No canopic jars, no shabtis. Oh my God... In the back of this room there are six watchers that remind Anubis. They face inward instead of out. In the center there is a quite big statue of Horus who stands on a box made from stone.  

Chris: What does that mean?
Jenny: Whatever's in there, it shouldn't be freed. This is not a tomb. It's a prison. To be buried in a place like this would have been a fate worse than death.

The radio cracks.

Greenway: Lima 2-6, come in.
Chris: Copy, sir.
Greenway: Get out now. We got reports of bogeys inbound. We gotta take off.
Jenny: I need specialists. From Cairo.
Nick: Cairo? Jenny, we are out of time.
Jenny: I am not leaving until I see what's in that box.
Chris: It's too dangerous and you know it. You're leaving. We're leaving right now.
Jenny: I did not come this far just to leave with...

Suddenly many camel spiders come from nowhere and crawl towards the intruders. Chris begins to shoot them.

Jenny: Hey! Hey!
Nick: Cease fire! Vail! Cease fire! They're just camel spiders! They're not even poisonous!
Chris: Can we please leave?
Jenny: Are you out of your mind, Vail?
Nick: What is wrong with you?
Chris: The thing bit me, Nick! It bit me! I go outside.
Jenny: No, wait. We need to move the statue and open the box. We can't stop here and turn around.
Chris: Okay, we're gonna open the damn box and then I'm leaving! With or without you, I'm leaving!

Nick calls more men and they take the statue and put it near the watchers. Everyone stares at the box.Then Nick raises the lid of the box and sees a sarcophagus made from granite. Jenny begins to examine the sarcophagus.

Jenny: The hieroglyphs are definitely New Kingdom. It appears that the wife of King Menehptre died in childbirth, leaving a sole heir to the throne, a girl called Ahmanet... That's strange, I haven't heard anything about her.
Chris: There's no time for reading, let's finish this business and go home.

Everything becomes blurred around Nick. He feels like he is in the middle of the desert. It's getting hot. He feels slight breeze and hears silent music. He sees a silhouette of a young woman with black hair, turquoise make-up and fingertips. She wears a white dress and looks impressive. Nick sees the back of her dress, then her hand. He can sense her perfume. He can Finally she is close to Nick and he can see her face. She comes closer and whispers.

Ahmanet: You have set me free. My chosen.
Jenny: Nick! Nick! Nick!
Nick realises that he is in the tomb.
Jenny: Tell Greenway he's gonna send a team to get this thing out of here, or he's gonna have to explain why he left me behind. Do it!

They use army's techniques to load the sarcophagus and take it to the helicopter. Jenny takes photos of the drawings and texts in the tomb with her mobile phone.

Soldier: Bishop to Echo, we have visual on a severe sandstorm heading west at angels 12.
Jenny: Wait, wait, please be careful. This is 4,000 years old.

Everyone gets into two helicopters and heads to Cairo.

Nick: You're welcome, by the way.
Jenny: How's that?
Nick: Because I saved your whatever-it-is.
Jenny: Do you have any idea what this is? The significance of it? An Egyptian sarcophagus far away from the Nile in a unique tomb.
Nick: Why'd you say 15 seconds?
Jenny: Why'd I what?
Nick: You told Greenway that I could mimic all the qualities of human intimacy for 15 seconds. I mean, let me tell you, it was not 15 seconds.
Jenny: Well, however long it lasted, it wasn't real.
Nick: I never lied to you about my feelings.
Jenny: You stole from me.
Nick: But I didn't lie.
Jenny: Do you ever think of anyone but yourself?

A soldier stands up and takes a knife. His eyes and skin are pallid.

Greenway: Soldier, what in the living hell are you doing, son?

Greenway comes to a man.

Greenway: Do you hear me talking to you? I said what...

The soldier stabs Greenway and he fells to the floor.

Jenny: Oh, my God!

The soldier begins to walk towards Nick, Chris and Jenny.

Nick: Drop your weapon! Drop it! Put down the weapon! Put it down! Back off!

Nick shoots him. Everyone is in shock.

The helicopter is near Cairo but suddenly starts to shake. A cloud of black crows appears in the horizon. They bombard the vehicles and one of the them crashes. The one with Jenny, Nick and Chris and the sarcophagus remains but it begins to land unexpectedly. Chris jumps out, Nick hugs Jenny and falls so that he would touch the sand with his back and Jenny would not be hurt. The helicopter smashes. Darkness.

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