BLAME the boy!

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Title: BLAME the boy!

Humiliation/Awks Victim:WeirdBipolorBookworm

Embarrassment rate: 8


The most embarrassing moment I care to share is when I was in 6th grade we just lined up after lunch. I stepped on the side of my foot wrong [ I was standing still ] and fell over. Everyone looked at me 1/2 the people asked if I was okay and 1/2 the people were laughing. I jump up yelling 'I'm okay!' and the teacher blames the boy standing in front of me for pushing me over and a couple of my friends explained what happened and everyone heard 0 o 0


AWWW just the smallest thing can do major things! Hahaha

Anybody else done this before? I reckon I do it almost on a daily basis, I am just so unstable in life.

Thanks for flaunting your humiliation :P

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