Breathing Sherbet

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Title: Breathing Sherbet

Humiliation Victim:http: midnightkitty

Embarrassment Rate: 7.... I will tell you why straight after you read this -


I was eating a pixie stick or something like that

(For those who don't know what a 'pixie stick is, it is like sherbet)

and I opened my mouth to try to talk and all the sugar came out of my mouth in a sugar cloud and then I started breathing through my nose and the sugar came out my nose!!!

I was laughing though...

- Because it was funny and you were laughing about it! It was more on the funny side than the humiliating side but it was still an great, moment to remember ... Right?

And Hahaha I would laugh too, although at the time it feels like your dying coz your chocking the crap out of yourself by laughing and eventually coughing for an extra 10 mins until you finally settle down!
Has anybody else done this? I know I have!!!
Have you ever seen anyone do this?

Comment belowwwwww, like all the way down there! ^.^
Cheers guys!

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