Chapter 13: Replica? Clone?

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Fina blinked her eyes opened. She could feel the boat shift below her, making her feel a little uneasy for a few moments before she could finally sit up. She looked around, seeing that she was lying down on a rich, red velvet bed.

She saw that Raven character sitting down on an red velvet couch, resting his feet on on coffee table as he read a book. But when he heard Fina moving, he closed his book and looked over. "Ah. You're awake." He said. Fina stood up. Raven did the same and said, "Maybe you shouldn't stand up yet." he suggested, when Fina gave him a look, he shrugged. "That Jay guy nagged me into keeping an eye on you while he gets some...Whatever. Medicine. So just sit down or I'll be the one getting yelled at."

Fina sighed, but did as she was told and sat down on the bed. "So how long was I out for?" She asked him.

Raven leaned against the wall across from bed. "I'd say for about ten hours"

Fina flinched. "ten hours?! Shouldn't we be at Revlis by now?!"

Raven chuckled. "We are." he informed her. "Why else would the bed and room be so...Clean?"

Fina laughed a bit. "I guess so...But I swear, the floor moved." She eyed it suspiciously.

Raven shrugged. "Well, you could still bit a bit uneasy. I mean, that was a pretty powerful attack you just did back there."

"I guess so..." Fina said.

By that time, Jay and Jade had walked into the room. Jay let out a sigh of relief as he walked over to Fina. "You all right?" He asked.

Fina nodded. "Yeah fine."

"Good." Jade said, crossing her arms. "The Governor of the town would like to see you." When Fina blinked, Jade said, "She's just curious about what the power feels like. She also would like Raven present as well."

Raven groaned. "Why me?"

"Because The Governor would also like to know if Fina did anything in her sleep." Jade explained. Raven was about to protest again, but Jade stopped him. "Just come with me. And make sure to put on a jacket or something. It's cold." 

And just then did Fina see the black fluffy jacket Jade had on. And her heels were replaced by black snow boots. And apparently, Jade had left some clothing for Fina as well. Fina put on the white button-down coat Jade had given her, as long as the red snow boots. She examined them a bit, then Jade just urged her to hurry up. She ran to catch up with Jade, who had apparently left the room.

The four of them walked down the snowy street. Fina smiled a bit, seeing children throwing snowballs at each other and just having an wonderful time!

The Govner's house was only a few blocks away. It was huge and painted white, almost blending in with the snow. Jade walked inside, and Fina felt a blast of heat hit her face. An Maid led them forward to the office.

It was an simple office. A velvet carpet with marble walls. There was an bookshelf to the far left of the room, and in the middle was a red wooden desk with plenty of papers and pens all over it. And standing next to that desk, was a woman who looked a bit like Jade. (Pic to the right)

"Oh thank goodness!" The woman exclaimed. She ran to Jade and gave her a hug. "You're all right! I heard about the squid and-"

"Jada." Jade growled.


"Get off me!"

Jade shoved Jada off. Jada glared for a moment, but her sour face turned back into a smiling one. "You always hated hugs...But oh well!" She giggled a bit until her eyes caught Fina. "Oh! This must be the Noroshi!"

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