The Proposition

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Third POV

A pair of eyes fluttered open, noticing a blurred figure hovering above them. The young woman quickly shifts away from the figure then sighs in relief when their vision started to clear up just in time to see who it was.

"Oh, it's just you, Kimi" sighed the maroon haired girl.

But her head strikes up, realizing she was here with Kimi in a different room instead of being in level 6.

"How long was I out?" Her eyes widen.

The minked reindeer slightly tilts her head before responding, "three days".

"THREE DAYS!" shouted the maroon girl.

She quickly stands up from the floor and gathered her things before hurrying out the office that they were stationed in.

"I need to find Ace!"

"Wait Scarlet-"

"No", the girl halts then turns back at her fawn partner, "its Yuuki, my name is Monkey D. Yuuki".

Kimi gapes at her friend then smiles widely while holding back her temptation to hug her in excitement.

"You remember" Kimi breathed out a smile. Yuuki giggled with her eyes chinked.

Though, before the two girls start running throughout the prison building, Kimi stops Yuuki to explain what had happened while she was unconscious.

"ALL THE PRISONERS ESCAPED AND ACE IS ALREADY ON HIS WAY!?" Yuuki shouted, loud enough for three levels to hear her.

Kimi slightly rubs her sensitive ears and nodded. Yuuki groaned in annoyance then grabbed Kimi by the wrist to rush out of the building faster by using their artificial speed that they were given by the marine scientist, Dr.Vegapunk.

Over the years of being a high obedient government assassin, Yuuki suffered from secretive experiments that Dr.Vegapunk would test upon her. Such as injecting a dosage of mixed chemicals into her body that will assumably enhance her agility or machines that enabled retrieving memories to have the person suffer from amnesia. Which Yuuki is sadly struggling with.

Though, ever since she tasted the blood of Ace, small flashes of her past sporadically started hitting her. Helping her to remember her original name and the real reason she continuously become a slave for the marine corporation.

As the two girls saw dim sunlight from the crushed open doors, they jump onto the last standing ship that was about to set sail.

Marine soldiers froze in place as they saw the most unexpected person to crash their ship. Yuuki drops her friendly act and altered her nonchalant personality.

"Sail, fast" Yuuki said sternly with no expression.

Everyone on board yelped then quickly slapped a salute to their foreheads before running off to where they wanted to go.

Kimi slightly giggles as their surroundings were clear. Yuuki turns to her partner and squinted a small smile.

"I can't let them know i'm nice" Yuuki whispered.



The ship roughly docked at the ends of Marineford, the place where Ace was assigned to be executed on this day. Earlier, when the ship was yards away from docking, the waves of the sea excessively rocked the ship hard enough to topple upside down. Which would have ended up badly for Yuuki herself, since she is a devil fruit user.

Yuuki was the first to land atop the cement ground that seemed to be covered in bloody ice. Kimi followed after and inspeculated the ground. As the pair jogged further north, the closer they were to the unruly mess of sounds of battle cries and clashing metal came about.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2019 ⏰

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