Ambushed Memories

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Third POV

Yuuki ~ 21 years old

Kimi ~ 26 years old

The ding of the elevator echoed throughout the enormous vacant floor. Sounds of rehearsed marches filled the air, as well as petty calls of prisoners followed along.

A young woman was dressed in a particular all black uniform, suited for a top government assassin. From head to toe, her body was geared secretly with devices for combat. Even in her neatly tight high pony-tail hid a tiny dagger for extra precaution.

Scarlet Night, the woman mostly known within the military world as the fiercest and cold-blooded human ever possible to exist on the earth. Military soldiers are known to be afraid within her presence as she can make any man sweat in fear with her name mentioned alone.

But that's just a rumor spread by mere marine soldiers.

She held a clipboard in her arm and made her weekly rounds down on level 6 of Impel Down. Each cell tried shouting at her to gain at least some type of reaction from the woman but of course, nothing in response. Just taps of her pen from drawing checkmarks on her assigned paper.

Though, she was recieved a different task to do for the next four days.

Admiral Garp, the man known to be her old mentor and boss, requested her to guard the cell of Fire Fist Ace and First Son of the Sea Jimbie.

The number that finally matched the combination listed on her paper came to view, Scarlet Night stood in front and spoke with an emotionless expression.

"In regards to Admiral Garp, I am here to be your prison guard for the next four days" the stoic girl did not look at the two chained up men.

They both continued to stare at the ground with displease but had aloof frowns.

"In addition, Fleet Admiral Sengoku had a message specifically addressed to both First Son of the Sea Jimbie and Fire Fist Ace," Scarlet Knight looks down at the paper and Jimbie slowly lifted his head," Portgas D. Ace is scheduled to be executed in a few days. First Son of the Sea Jimbie, you have one last chance to take back what you said in order to keep your position as warlord."

In response, Jimbie spits down to the floor close to Scarlet's feet and grunted a no. With no reaction, Scarlet nods her head and marked a note on her clipboard. She turns to let her back face the cell bars and guarded in silence.

As she stood, her body still ache in pain from the fresh slashes on her lower limbs, reminding her of the pain she endured from Sakazuki last night.

On that night, she was assigned to secretly execute an underground organization responsible for distributing poisoned alcohol. As a treat, Sakazuki wanted Scarlet Knight to kill the village associated with the organization. Causing the island to be covered in blood and eerie silence.

Since Sakazuki is known to be completely strict, especially harsh on Scarlet, he grew angry as he saw her come in to base late by a minute. Instead of earning appraisal, she was whipped by magma rope and punched on the sides of her. Sakazuki considered her lateness as failure and left her burned with new visible scars on her legs with burnt bruises on her side ribs.

Scarlet Night was used to being tormented by the admiral himself, but the pain still flared constantly. She was required to not express her pain or leak anything that happened behind closed doors to the public or else it would sabotage Sakazuki's reputation. This annoys her deeply because she cannot do anything about it, except cry to her partner, Kimi.

Kimi is another secret government assassin, positioned to be the partner of the strongest wielded assassin. A mink descendent that was abducted by the marines long ago at the age of 16 and was forcefully instructed into the brand new different assassin unit created by the government.

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