Pt 2: A Toxic Death

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Everyone was shocked about Cassandra dying AND what they had to do to get out of this deadly mansion. Kendall started crying about Cassandra. The maid of the house took all the guests to the voting room. "I will call one person up to vote and 2 people will be in the challenge. First, Cameron." The maid explained. Cameron walked up to the table and picked a card. After Kendall voted, the maid told all of the guests to sit down. "The people in the challenge are...The Jazz Singer...And...The Author." Kendall gasped and so did Danny. "Kendall and Danny, pick your partners." The maid told Danny and Kendall. "I'm!" Kendall said. Cameron felt uncomfortable because he probably would have no idea what to do in the challenge. "I'm picking...Max!" Danny said. Max was happy he would get to save Danny. The maid brought Kendall, Cameron, Danny, and Max to a grey room with 2 large clear cylinders with doors. He maid gestured for Danny and Kendall to walk into the cylinders and they did. "In this challenge, you will have to fix the machine and get the key out of the freezing cold water once you have fixed it. But to fix the machine their are 4 colors you have to press in the right order. Fail to fix the machine, get the key, and unlock your partner, your partner dies from toxic gas." The maid told them. "You can do this Cameron!" Kendall encouraged Cameron. "Please save me Max!" Danny begged. "Ready...set...GO!" Said the maid. Max and Cameron got to work on the machines. "Ok, um...Blue, Red, Purple, And Orange?" Cameron said as he tried clicking the colors. It failed. He tried the same colors but in a different order. It worked! Max got the orders wrong a lot but succeeded to get pass that part. Next, the boys had to do math. "Ok, 55x33?" Cameron said in his confused voice. "I know this! 1,815!" Said Max. The key was open for him to get but Cameron was also carrying his key after getting the problem right. The next part of the challenge was a maze to reach their partners. Max went left, right, straight, and right. Cameron went right, straight, left, straight, and right. Max got to the cylinder first and unlocked the door. Cameron finally got to Kendall and saw that Danny was out. "You let me die.." Kendall whispered to Cameron. Cameron stuttered. Kendall's cylinder started filling with toxic gas and she banged on the glass, got weaker, and fainted. Cameron was speechless. The maid brought the boys back to the voting room and Danny put the red flag on the table. "What happened?" Asked Sam. "I let Kendall die.." Cameron revealed. They group gasped.


This Season...
"Don't kill me guys!" Andrea screamed.
You are invited...
"So...who should we betray?" Jessie asked Max.
To enter a house...
"You let me die.." Kendall whispered to Cameron.
Trapped With Evil..
"Ugh! I can't believe we killed Andrea!" Yelled Cameron.
Say goodbye to everything you know...
"No please, no!" Sam screamed.
You might not make it back!
"We need to find out who is torturing us!" Cameron told the group.


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