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Rory walked down the dark path ahead of her, being careful to listen for anything suspicious that could possibly be occuring around her. The wind rattled the trees around her softly, and the moon kept perfect company. Hopefully she would arrive in the town just in time to catch the height of the night life. Red towns were so incredibly fascinating to the girl, though reds had so little, they had such strong wills, such strong personalities and something about it drew her in.

The red town was about a twenty minute walk from the Melanthios mansion, quietly she took in the feeling of the night air in her singularity.

Lights were beginning to light up the streets where she was headed to.

It was silent except for the sound of cicada chirping in the darkness, a familiar sound to a familiar journey. Passing on into the paths of dirt, kicking silently as she went.

A sound had begun to crawl from the distance, that of voices.

She had finally arrived in town, walking into the soft street lights that lit the pathway just enough for her to see the pavement. Despite the late hour there were still people wandering around. Many going in the same direction she herself was headed.

A small little red bar lay on the corner of the street, one she often came to when she left her home. Staring at the building in front of her, she pulled her hood a little higher and tied her coin purse a little tighter to her hip.

Stepping into the dimly lit building she could hear the merry laughs of drunk men billowing throughout the walls. The scent of alcohol drifted in the air, as men clashed glasses together and spilled whatever was in their mugs onto the floor below.

It seemed to her that whether you were the highest of silvers or the lowest of reds, alcohol was always the merry remedy to everything. This was a place people came to forget their troubles, just as she had found herself doing, despite drinking very little, if at all.

She found herself a seat at her usual cornerstone at the front bar. The bartender, a familiar man with graying hair and an extended belly nodded to her.

"Hello again little lady." His voice was fairly deep, it calmed her in some ways.

"Good evening good sir, I would just like some water as usual." Her voice was as gentle as she could muster, and she tried to keep her face as low as possible. Despite being in disguise, she still worried over the chance of recognition. Everyone here was familiar with her family, they were after all the presiding overseers of this district.

"You know I've always found it strange, you come all the way in here, to sit with sweaty, drunk men, just to get a glass of water." He looked her up and down as he handed her the cup.

"It's nothing strange, sir. Just trying to get a breather from my family is all."She nodded to him as he handed her the glass and took a sip.

"Ah, well, we all need that from time to time don't we." he took a sly glance at the woman Aurora had come to know as his wife, and smirked. Rory let out a small giggle at the comment, as the older man nodded to her .He walked away to clean some of the dirty glasses still lying about the countertops.

Rory went to take another sip of her water as she watched him leave, when she heard the scuffing of feet beside her. Turning her head slightly in the direction of the sound, she found a rather tall figure standing next to her.

Rory's face paled when she realised just who it was.

Cal stood next to her, in a cape similar to her own. Her heart stopped for a moment.

She turned quickly, pulling her hood even further down her face, hoping, praying he didn't recognize her.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2018 ⏰

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