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Aurora stared blankly at the reflection looking back at her in the mirror. The painted lady in front of her reminded her nothing of herself and yet in someway she was more real than Aurora was.

The face she always had fixed during times such as these where she had to be around other silvers like her.

Even during her own birthday.

The dress on her body was much more lavish than she would have personally picked, something her mother and sister had laid out that morning. A gown that matched her brothers suit he was to wear today, on the birthday they shared.

The white gown flared out from her waist with black intricate lacing layered over top. It formed small flower details over top the white base of fabric, and golden jewelry hung from her neck and ears. Together the colors formed the house colors of the noble house Melanthios.

Her brother would be colored in a similar fashion, with an outfit also hand picked by their mother. He had little concern over his clothing choices, despite his enjoyment of the female attention it brought him. He'd probably be just as happy in some form of workout shorts as he would be in his high quality wool suits.

She sighed a heavy sigh in irritation. Pulling at the curls that had been unnaturally laid into her hair, she sat down on the floor with a frown pulled onto her lips.

She had taken to hiding in the upstairs rooms she knew no one would be at, except maybe servants.

If her mother found her she would be in an astonishing amount of trouble. She knew guests had already begun to arrive, and it was awfully rude of her to not be greeting her guests. After all they had traveled here to give her and her brother the best of regards on their nineteenth birthday.

'No not for me, for them, to prove something. It's always to prove something' she thought. She was proving something right now by being dressed this way, proving that she was just as noble and powerful as every other girl in the nation.

Just as worthy of a competitor for queenstrial.

She heard steps coming down the hallway and quickly stood up, in order to straighten the fabric of her dress. Praying it wasn't her mother that had found her, she took in a breath and turned to find out who was approaching.

To her relief it was only her brother.

Aidan's face was set in that damn smirk she hated so much, the same one that would find its way to hers every so often.

"You know, it's very unbecoming of a young lady to stare so long at her reflection." His voice chimed out in a familiar tone, the same one he always used when he teased her. She rolled her eyes at him.

"Yeah right that's what I was doing, because we both know how much I just adore my appearance." She glowered at him, not in the mood for whatever teasing was surely coming, to her surprise Aidan just sighed.

"You know you're lucky I'm the one who came to find you, I stopped mother on her way up here. The guests are starting to arrive and she is very upset that you are not there to welcome them." His eyes trained on his sister as he talked, trying to read her face. " I know how much you hate parties but please, for both our sakes let's get down there yeah?"

She huffed like a child and simply crossed her arms, " and why should I, they came to see us not the other way around. It's our birthday Aidan and if I want to spend it alone I should be allowed to." she wasn't accustomed to whining but more than anything, she had just wanted a quiet day with her family.

Aidan's eyes soften a little as he looked over his twin sisters face. " You know it's about more than just us." He walked up next to her standing shoulder to shoulder.

All That Bleeds ( Red Queen Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora