What Just Happened?

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'what just happened' he thought walking over to the couch 'I almost lost control, I already made things awkward' he sat down 'i should try and fix this before I ruin everything' He brought his legs up to his chest and started thinking of a plan


'Oh my god, what just happened' thoughts like this were exploding in Chris' head 'Did Pj just almost kiss me?' a smile spread across his face after the embarrassment faded 'maybe I should do some tests to see if he likes me too, this should be fun' he laughed to himself and started making the tea

Chris walked into the living room with a tray of tea preparing his amazing acting

“Hey, here's your tea” he said smiling, that smile made the awkwardness in Pj disappear. Chris continued to walk over to the couch, but suddenly he stumbled spilling tea all over his chest.

“Shit!” he exclaimed quickly ,he placed the tray on the coffee table and started stripping his shirt

“Um, what are you doing?” Pj quickly said blush growing on his face again

“ Oh well I don't want it to get sticky, so I'm gonna put my shirt in the dryer for a few” he looked at Pj's facial expression and smiled “Is that okay with you?”

“Yeah, fine... I mean its your house after all” Pj quickly started looking around the room

“Thanks” A smirk spread across his face and he continued to take his shirt off and put it in the dryer. He returned and sat next to Pj on the couch who was looking the complete opposite way. Suddenly an idea popped into Chris' head. He put both his hands on Pj's right leg and sat in a pose that could only be described as a playful kitten.

“So how have you been?” he asked with a cat like smirk but allowing himself to have puppy dog eyes. Pj looked at his thigh to see what was touching him he saw Chris' hands, his eyes travelled up his arms looking at every detail on the way till he reached his face, his facial expression is what broke him. He just sat there staring into his eyes.

“Peeej?” Chris said as he waved his hand in front of his Pj's face. Pj couldn't take it anymore, he quickly lunged at Chris capturing his lips in a kiss full of passion pushing Chris on his back and straddling him, they spent what felt like hours like this just kissing each other without much breath. Finally they detached from each other starring into each others eyes with heavy breaths

“ Well, that was interesting” Chris laughed

“ Sorry” Pj replied quickly attempting to get up only to be tugged back down by Chris who whispered in his ear

“I love you too you dork”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2012 ⏰

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