The Violent Maiden

Start from the beginning

My classmates started to fill in the once empty classroom (a few seconds later) and it became even harder to fall asleep with their chatters echoing around. So much for coming to school early.

Voices that I recognized—and some that I don't—prevented me from dozing off completely. It was more of a catnap than actual sleep. But that didn't stop me from dreaming till my heart's content.

The last thing I heard was Max's 'I'm just looking out for you' line, before everything else around me started to fade out.

Donghyuck shifted closer than I had ever imagined he would. I could feel his breath fanning over my neck and my lower cheek. He's eyes were filled with desire and want as his lips formed a smirk.

His gaze lowered down to my body as his hands caressed my back soothingly and affectionately.

This was a very different Donghyuck. I didn't know him and hadn't seen much of him yet; I'm not complaining, though.

Our bodies were closer than ever, that I think if we were only even an inch closer, we would magically just morph with eachother.

He lips grazed over mine; biting my lower lip just a few second after. A soft moan escaped my lips as he bit down harder trying to force me to open up.

When he couldn't get what he wanted, he left my lips and attacked my neck instead. He left light butterfly kisses all around and settled at a spot and sucked there continuously as I tried hard to prevent myself from making any noise.

Donghyuck was known as the funny 'comedian' type of guy. This guy right here was Haechan. The more serious version of him; I think he's out to destroy me.

His hands pinned mine against the rough cushion beneath us as my legs straddled his (similar to our position the other day).

And then he went for it.

"Good morning class!" The teacher's earsplitting voice brought me back to the bitter reality. Her aggravating voice sent shivers down my spine as my head snapped up in lightning speed.

"Arghhh..." I grunted half-asleep rubbing my eyelids as I did.

I heard Max's snicker beside me as she glanced at my irritated 'just woke up' form. I could practically hear her mischievous scheme through that little giggle of hers.

"Ms. Seo," the teacher suddenly called. Great, what did I do now? "Do you mind explaining what's on your face?" It took me a few second to let her words sink in. I almost swore as I realized what she meant.

What made it worse was the fact that now, the whole class was looking at my face too. A few giggles from here and there didn't escape my hearing.

Lee Minhjee (Maxene/Max) are so dead.

"Can I please excuse myself to the restroom?" I said all in one quick breath trying to contain the feeling of hatred and riley in the pit of my stomach.

The teacher looked at me, confused, before nodding in understanding as an answer. "You may go," she said in an authoritative voice.

I quickly stood up from my seat—definitely not forgetting to send Max a quick glare—and almost immediately made my way as swiftly as possible to the restrooms. (Stumbling a bit in the process)

My ebony black school shoes echoed noisily throughout the corridors as I hurriedly strode pass the few very students outside. My 2-inch heel clanged discordantly against the marble flooring, causing a few irritated glances to cast my way.

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