The second thing he spotted was the ugly look Annabeth seemed to give Tyson over Sephie's head – the child probably had terrible experience with Cyclopes.

The third, and probably the most worrying thing on the picture, was a tiny scar mark peeking from underneath of Sephie's camp T-shirt's collar. Hades looked at the scar mark more closely, and recognized the scar left by a sharp-edged object, most commonly a blade of sorts. Did the traitor mark her, or was it the 'gift' Ares left her with in L.A.? It was impossible to tell.

Pushing the thought away, he reached for the letter, unfolding it and smoothing it out before settling in his chair to read it in peace.

Hey Uncle!

A year has gone by, and I'm at the camp again, as you can see from the photo I included. Remember when I complained about monsters leaving me alone? Well, I really shouldn't have. I got a bunch of Laistrygonians a few days ago, and managed to blow up my school gym. I know, I know, I really shouldn't have, but hey, between blowing stuff up and getting kicked out and dying... well, the choice was pretty easy to make. Not to mention Annabeth stalked me in the school while wearing her invisibility cap. Yep, you read that right. Annabeth stalked me. What in the world?!

Speaking of monsters, I finally figured out the reason why no one attacked – Tyson is my Cyclops brother. Apparently, he prayed to my – sorry, our – Dad to give him a sibling so he wouldn't feel so alone, and next morning – bam! Sephie Jackson enters the scene, and no other monster wants to come close! I'm a bit angry at Dad for not giving me any heads-up, or Tyson for not telling me he is a Cyclops, but I can't really stay angry at the big guy or Dad. It's not like Dad's allowed to contact me, and Tyson is just too big of a sweetheart for me to be angry with him.

Also, who in the universe thought Tantalus was a good replacement for Chiron? Okay, before you ask me why would Chiron need to be replaced at all – that old horse is the bestThalia's tree got poisoned. It was most likely Luke, but since certain someone refuses to acknowledge Grandpa is waking up, Mr. D had to blame someone, and Chiron and Argus were the best scapegoats. By the way, why didn't anyone tell me Chiron's technically my uncle? I would've gotten him a Christmas present, too!

Anyway. Thalia's tree is poisoned, and the barrier is falling, so monsters attack on regular basis. I mean, I had to help fight off Colchis bulls the moment I arrived at the camp! Not cool, not cool at all. (Pun intended. xD) And yesterday, at chariot racing, Stymphalian birds attacked us while we were all racing, and Tyson, Annabeth and I had to fight them off with Chiron's opera collection. Do you know what Tantalus did? Sent the three of us on KP duty, telling us we aggravated Stymphalian birds by our bad chariot driving. What a jackass! (No scolding me for language – I deserve to vent after dealing with that moron.)

To put the cherry on the top, we need the Golden Fleece to heal Thalia, and Tantalus just forbade me from going after it, choosing Clarisse, daughter of Ares, even though she has next to no experience with quests! Okay, I only went on one quest, but finding Uncle Z's favorite toy has to count for something, right? Nope, not if you ask Tantalus. I'm just a little girl, who found the Master Bolt by chance, and she stays home because she'll mess everything up. His words, not mine. Urgh!

But I bet I'll be the one laughing in the end – whoever said I need to follow every single rule, particularly when the said rule is laid down by an idiot? I'll sneak out and go after the Fleece, if only to make sure Clarisse gets it back safely. I even know where it is – 30, 31, 70, 75. Okay, I'm not precisely sure where that is, but I'm pretty sure those are coordinates of the Fleece. If they aren't, I'll call the Grey Sisters' taxi and strangle them myself. (Don't ask. Please, please, don't. I get sick just thinking about that ride.)

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