Chapter 20- Forever Gone?

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I woke up in the morning with a massive headache. I drank so much last night. I can't even remember half the things we did. How the hell did Jimmy and I get home?
Jimmy was knocked out. I kissed him on the forehead and walked to the kitchen. I put the coffee pot on and went to the bathroom to take a shower. After that I decided to check my phone. Mariah's mom had called me 6 times, that's weird. She left a voice message and I listened.
"Torie....." It sounded as if she were crying. "Torie, Mariah is in the hospital. She's not doing well so when you get the chance please come. Bye."
Oh my god. Mariah is in the hospital. Mariah use to have cancer but she fought it off. Did it come back? God, please don't let it have come back! I ran to wake Jimmy up.
'Jimmy, get up! Hurry!" I could already feel tears rolling down my face.
He groaned. "What's the proublem?" he said rubbing his eyes.
"Mariah's in the hospital!" I yelled.
"Oh shit." He jumped out of bed and threw a shirt and shoes on. We ran outside and jumped in a cab.
"New York City hospital, now!" I yelled.
We got there I jumped out of the cab not waiting for it to come to a complete stop.
"Hey, watch it lady!" I heard the cab driver yell. I ran inside.
"Room 8D!" I yelled.
"Go ahead." She handed me and jimmy a pass and we ran to the elevator. When we finally reached her floor, I ran to her room.
"Mariah!" I said running to give her a hug.
"Tor...I...I'm sorry."
She had all these machines hooked up to her and she had no hair. The cancer had come back. Tears rolled down my face.
"Mariah, why didn't you tell me? I..I could've helped somehow. I could've paid all the money for chemo, I could've helped!" I chocked.
"Tor, I didn't want you to know. You were so happy and I didn't want to ruin it."
"And this doesn't ruin it?! I come in here to find you back with cancer! Is this why we haven't hung out in 2 months?"
"Yes but..."
"I can't see you like this again, Mariah. I just can't." Tears flooded my eyes.
"I'm sorry Torie. I can't beat it this time. The doctor said its come back bigger and stronger. I may only live a couple days.
I slowly fell to the ground against the wall. I just cried into my hands unable to calm myself. My best friend is gonna be gone, forever. The girl who was always there for me, the girl who never failed to put a smile on my face, the girl who listened to every single thing I had to say, the girl who will always be my best friend.
Jimmy sat next to me and wrapped his arm around my should.
"I'm so, so sorry. To both of you." He said softly.
"Can me and Mariah talk....alone?" I said to him.
"Sure, I'll be right outside."
When jimmy left I walked over to the bed and layed next to her.
"Mariah, what am I gonna do? Nobody can replace you!" I said still sobbing. She took my hand.
"You have jimmy. He's made you a better person. He's done everything a best friend should. He's good for you, Tor. I know it's gonna take time to get over this but you will. I need you to promise me something?"
"Don't lose him. He's made you so happy. He can guide you through this. I know he can."
"I promise."
I just layed there with her and talked about everything until something scary happened. Her heart rate monitor sped up.
"Jimmy! Go get a nurse!" I yelled.
"Okay!" I heard him yell from outside.
"Mariah, stay with me please. You can make it."
"Tor, I love you girly. You were like my sister. Remember our promise. You're gonna have the wedding you've always wanted and adorable little children and I'll get to watch every second of it from heaven." She said giving me a smile. She was trembling.
"Don't say that. You're gonna make it!"
The nurse came in right at the same time her heart monitor stopped.

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