Chapter 7- Should I?

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I've been spending a lot of time with Jimmy lately. Well actually everyday of this week. We had 2 weeks off of SNL so we decided to spend it together. Guess what?! I met Justin Timberlake yesterday! I was freaking out inside but played it cool on the outside. He's so funny and talented. It was amazing.


I knocked on Jimmy's door.

"Hey pal." He said.

"Hey Big Shot." I still loved calling him that. "You ready?" Today we had an interview/photoshoot with TV Choice, one of the biggest gosip magazines!

"Yeah let's go." He said.


"So how did you guys meet." Lisa the interviewer said.

Jimmy and I looked at each other and laughed.

"Well, it was on the day of my SNL audition and as I was heading out and then I ran into him and I started freaking out because I ran into Jimmy Fallon! I fangirled out." I said with a laugh.

"Are you still "fangirling" out?" Lisa said.

"Well when we first started dating I was thinking to myself "wow this is jimmy fallon" but once I got to know him I saw him as a normal guy. And I guess I'll always be his number one fan." I said smiling.

"Jimmy what was your first feeling when you saw her?" Lisa said.

"I just...I just looked at her and thought she was beautiful. I wanted to take her out the instant we met so I did and I'm glad I did."

I looked at him and smiled and we went on with the interview. She asked us a serious of questions and then we did our photoshoot.


I walked around town looking for something to eat while jimmy was napping. I walked into a burger place. I looked at the menu to order.

"Torie? Torie Miller?!" A man said.

I looked to see who it was. "Oh my god Ryan!"

I ran to give him a hug then quickly pulled apart.

"What're you doing in New York?" I said.

"The company moved back here so this is where I'll be for awhile."

"Wow that's great!" I said.

"Look I'm in a hurry but we'll have to catch up soon. I'm free tomorrow, how bout lunch?" He said.

"Umm I don't know."

"We're just catching friends." he said with a smile.

"I guess I could do that. You have my number I'll see you then." I said.

"Alright." He looked me in the eyes. "It was good seeing you again, Torie."

"You too." And then he waked out. I ordered and on the way home I thought, "Should I do this?"

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