2 - Battle

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Night had fallen upon the ship as the crew got ready to head out for another killing spree.
The small island was right in front of them and with every inch they got closer, Harry's nervousness grew stronger and stronger. He really tried not to let it get the best of him.

,,Alright Liam, you take the lead. You are in command of the crew now. Make the best out of it."
Liam nodded, filled with honor and pride.

Harry then raised his hand to get the crew's attention. He couldn't fire a gun this time without it being suspicious, so this was the only 'noiseless' way.
,,Men and Women of this ship. Liam will be in command for the time being, but everyone is in command of their own lives, so please fight and stay alive. Good luck to you'all."
Some members of the crew nodded while others continued to put on their weapons.
,,Remember! Kill the crew, not the captain." Liam reminded them before they jumped off the ship and into the water, one by one. They swam the last few meters towards the sandy beach of the island while Niall and Harry stayed on the ship.

They couldn't stop the ship 'cause it would have raised suspicion, so they kept their course past the island.

Niall already went to his hiding spot while Harry stayed on deck, watching his crew till they disappeared into the darkness of the night. Only when every last one was out of sight, did Harry assume his position under deck to make it seem like the entire ship was asleep.

Not long after they had passed the island Harry began to hear people setting foot on his ship. He positioned himself so that he could storm out in case something went wrong.

The footsteps vanished all of a sudden and Harry got more nervous. What was going on outside? Was Niall in danger? He couldn't lose Niall. Never! Especially not tonight.

He decided it would be better if he checked on the situation.
Harry silently left his quarters and went back up on deck, now fully exposed to the moon, which shined from above and seemingly drenched the ship in a slight blue shimmer.
His eyes immediately scanned the unknown ship next to his. They were connected by thick ropes and their deck was as empty as the one Harry stood on. Only the squeaking sound of the wood could be heard. It was almost too quiet for the captain's liking.

,,Styles?!" A voice made Harry tense up instantly. He let his gaze focus on a dark silhouette in the near distance.

,,That's me." He answered with a strong voice, not letting his tension show for even a moment.
One hand already grabbing the handle if his sword while the other grabbed for the gun.

The silhouette came closer and more and more got revealed about this mysterious voice. It was a man, if even. Maybe Harry's age...though he seemed younger.
He wore a red pirate coat with golden details along his neck and down to his knees. The metal on his boots sparkled due to the moonlight and a soft breeze made the big feather on his hat move to the motion of the wind.
He looked fancy. Not really appropriate for a life or death battle but sure good. Beautiful you could say.

A sudden jump and the supposed captain had both his feet on Harry's ship.
,,Captain Tomlinson. Louis Tomlinson. I've heard a lot about you, Styles."
This Tomlinson guy pulled out his sword and so did Harry.

,,I wish I could say the same about you" Harry answered in a mocking tone. ,,But I only heard of you a day ago."
,,Well, I'll make sure you'll remember my name." Louis' sassy comeback just fueled the fire.
The two started to take a step closer to each other, not breaking eye contact.
,,Pretty big words for such a small guy." Harry teased back.
It almost seemed like this battle was gonna be fought verbally, but then Louis took a few more steps forward, trying to attack the green-eyed captain.
Harry blocked easily.
Louis immediately attacked again, once more without luck.
Harry blocked, victoriously smirking at the smaller one.

,,By the way. Your plan was really not that great."
Louis got visibly more angry.
,,It was good enough to get you here. Besides that, I could fucking kill you so shut you're fucking mouth."
Harry didn't take his words too serious. Instead, he admired his strong but beautiful accent.

,,Are you from England?" Harry got too curious.
,,I sure am, you too if I'm correct."
Louis once again attacked, this time with more force. Harry still managed to block him though.
,,Hey, we have something in common then."
,,Wow, you combined one and one. Look at you and your intelligence." Louis responded in a sassy manner, once more attacking Harry, only to get blocked again.
,,Well, I'm quite good at combining. That's probably why it was so easy to figure out your dumb plan."
,,Shut up. I was drunk and it was late. It seemed like a good plan back then."
,,It sure wasn't. I could give you a list of things that didn't work out. I could also add a list of my personal thoughts on your miserable try to battle me." Harry joked.
,,I don't give a fuck about your thoughts. I don't wanna read your fucking diary."
,,I wouldn't give it to you anyways." The taller one laughed at his cocky comeback.

,,You sound like a girl, not like a pirate."
,,Wait, are you saying girls can't be pirates?" This time Harry attacked Louis, but he got blocked as well.
,,I don't know. Do you have any in your crew?"
,,Yes, two to be exact. Do you?"
,,Well I would have one if I were to kidnap you." Louis pointed at Harry's long hair, smiling at Harry's slightly perplexed face.

,,Kidnap me? I thought you wanted to kill me!" Harry seamed a bit confused by the newly discovered information.
,,That would be my Plan B."
,,What's A to be exact?"
,,Would take too long to explain. Let's fight already!" Louis exclaimed slightly annoyed.

Harry suddenly pulled out his gun, raising it to Louis' head.
,,That's unfair. I don't have a pistol." The cocky, small lad exclaimed.
,,Oh don't worry. I only have one bullet, and I'm not gonna waste it on you."
,,Shoot yourself then?"
,,You wish, Tomlinson."
Harry raised the gun towards the sky.
,,This will start the real battle."
Louis agreed and positioned himself to immediately attack the curly-haired one.

Harry just hoped that his crew would hear the shot.
He counted down and then shot the sky, throwing the gun away and immediately blocking the attack of his opposite.

They focused on fighting for a while, but no one gave up easily so the battle got more intense from second to second. Their hits got harder and the blocking barely kept 'em safe from each other's swords.
They went back and forth, taking up the space of the entire deck.
Sweat covered both their faces as they kept fighting. Though the battle was hard and extremely exhausting, both seemed to enjoy this rare challenge.

A moment of unsteadiness and Harry was disarmed. His sword slid over the wooden deck making it impossible for him to reach. Louis smiled at the sight of a defenseless Captain Styles.
,,You wanna give up?"
,,Am I dead yet?" Harry teased calmly.

Louis pushed his sword towards Harry's body, but Harry managed to get a grip of the hand, which held his sword. He tried to rip it out of Louis' clenched fist, but the smaller one pushed him back, forcing Harry to the ground.
Louis got down as well, sitting on Harry's stomach so Harry couldn't move anymore.
Louis pushed the sword's blade close to the captain's throat.
,,Wanna give up now?"
,,I'm still not dead." Harry pointed out once again.
,,Any last words before you are?"
,,Yeh, but it's a question actually. Why did you wanna kidnap me at first?"

,,People told me you have the other half of the legendary map that leads towards the treasure of the 'pirate king'." Louis started to explain. His sword still pressed against Harry's throat.
,,So you have the first part then?"
,,Yes. Where is yours?"

Harry just giggled slightly. ,,I think you have to kidnap me because I definitely won't tell you."

A voice interrupted the two fighting pirates.
,,Captain, we already lost three crew members. We can barely keep up with more." a black haired man informed Tomlinson.
Harry used this welcomed distraction to grab the dagger from his belt and slide it over Louis' face, cutting along his cheekbones.
A scream left Louis' mouth. He dropped his sword to cover the bleeding wound. Harry pushed Louis off of him, kicked the sword away and then took place on Louis smaller body, now pressing the dagger to the throat of his opposite.

,,Tables have turned." Harry smiled. ,,Pretty good actually, I prefer to be on top anyways."
,,What the fuck are you talking about?"
,,I'm just joking, Tomlinson." Harry exclaimed.

A Pirate Story [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now