A Pirate Story

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,,Make sure we get a good deal for this one. I stole it from the King of England himself" Harry announced proudly, tapping his sword on the treasure chest.
,,As commanded, sir!" Niall - Harry's best man and co-captain - answered.
,,Good! We'll set sail after the sun rises. Now excuse me while I enjoy my night."
Niall nodded, leaving with this royal chest full of gold, jewelry and gemstones. A pretty catch.
Meanwhile, Harry made his way towards his favorite place on this island. A pub just for criminals and specifically pirates. This was the place where he added dignity to his name as the most dangerous pirate in all of the seven seas.
He also got all of his crew members from this place, as well as treasure maps and information on potential dangers. A pretty chill place, if you were to ask Harry. At least as long as you had money on you.

He pushed the door open and was immediately greeted with the smell of beer and filthy men playing poker after days at sea. A smile appeared on his lips as he walked to the lady behind the counter, who was handing out beer; and in Harry's case even information.
,,Styles! Long time no see. How is the crew?" The tall woman asked, sliding a beer over to him.
,,We're great. You know. Taking over ships, stealing some gold...just the usual." Harry said with a calm but bragging voice.
,,Still the badass pirate then?" She laughed sweetly as she leaned over the counter, exposing a bit more cleavage.

She really seemed like a lovely person, who just got stuck in this pub with all those ol' men and criminals, but Harry knew better.
,,Right. There is not one ship strong enough to defeat me and my crew. Not one died after 60 days at sea and 26 sunken ships."
,,Sounds like you got a lot of gold then? Well, you need it, cause I have some information that could threaten your pretty ass and your highly praised title." She smiled with bright eyes and straightened herself, taking a step away from the counter.
Harry rolled his eyes at her. He reached down into his pocket and grabbed a few gold coins, handing them over to her.

She took a closer look at the money before she took it and put it in her own pocket.
,,Pretty, but not enough." A dirty smile made its way onto her lips.
,,What kind of information is so expensive that you'd take out your ol' friend for it?"
,,Give me more gold, and you'd know in a few seconds." She reached over the counter again, sliding her hand through Harry's curly hair and down his well-defined jawline. It seemed like she was trying to seduce him.

Harry once again grabbed a few more coins and showed 'em to the woman in front of him.
,,Will you tell me now?" He asked using all his charm.
She looked at his hand, scanning over every piece of gold.
,,OK prince charming but you're not gonna like the news."
,,I think I can judge that by myself."
Harry carelessly dropped the coins on the wooden counter, letting the sound echo through the pub. A few men turned around, curious at the sound of money hitting ground.

,,So tell me." Harry demanded.
The woman looked around, dreading the few who still looked at them with an intense glance before facing Harry again.
Her face turned from lovely and seductive to serious in not even a second.
,,There is a new pirate. More dangerous and successful than you."
Her voice was quiet as she said those words.
Harry just laughed. ,,Of course he is. Every 'wanna be' pirate thinks that till they have my sword in between their ribs."
,,No Styles, it's different this time. He is indeed very strong and successful. And if I may ad, very gorgeous at that."

,,I don't care, he shall battle me to see who the stronger one is and i'll make sure he loses." Harry raised his voice, drawing unneeded attention to the conversation.
,,He wants to find you to do exactly that. He was here a few weeks ago. Came in and was actually kind enough to buy a beer for everyone, before asking every single one for you. He started with me and I of course said nothing but Bill was dumb enough to give away some information. He told this pirate that you come here every once in a while.
The pirate then tried to get more information out of Bill. You know, things like your location or your next destination. Bill didn't know a thing so..." She stopped and gave a quick nod towards one wooden wall.

Harry followed her gaze, and he immediately felt a lump form inside his throat. This guy named Bill was left as a half rotten corpse. His skin was a cold blue and white shade and his figure was slim. You could already see every bone of his exposed torso. He was dead. His clothes were the only thing holding his body up and in between his ribs was a dagger with a red ruby.
Harry made his way over to the dead man, looking him up and down. He carefully took the dagger and pulled it out of Bill's body.

,,Oh my god!" Harry exclaimed.
,,This bastard stole my well known 'step 'em between the ribs' move. How dare he!"
A few little chuckles went through the pub.
,,Challenge that cunt!" An old man shouted towards Harry.
,,You better know I will! Where is this 'wanna be' right now?"
,,He's on his way to England." the man said.
,,How do you know?" The attractive woman from the counter asked.
,,I heard him talking to his crew when I was rowing my small fisher boat past his galleon."
,,Thank you old man!" Harry threw a handful of gold towards his table.

The man immediately picked up every coin like an animal during feeding time.
Harry made his way back to the counter.
,,See you in a few weeks, darling" Harry smiled kindly as he took the last sip of his beer.
,,Please don't die, Styles." The woman said before Harry left the pub with a new mission in his head.

A Pirate Story [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now