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Being a mom is hard. Much harder than I thought it would be actually

Being a mom of three is just unbelievably hectic.

Of course I love my daughters and my son more than anything else on this earth,but it just gets really hard sometimes.Especially when Shawn isn't home.

And I get scared to be honest. I get these weird thoughts sometimes. I wonder if I'm doing a good job at educating them. To be honest my kids are extremely nice to everyone.They're very down to earth and polite. But that might be a biased opinion considering the fact that I'm their mother.

But everything has been going great

Shawn and I have been married for 8 years now.

Rose has just turned seven,Nate is turning five really soon and I gave birth to an amazingly quiet daughter nearly a year ago.That's a first.Rose and Nate were the complete opposite of Noella.

Noella is very quiet-she rarely cries about anything. Rose and Nate... don't even get me started. I don't even know if I had a proper night of sleep until they grew up

Right now the four of us are sitting on the couch in the living room waiting for Shawns live interview.

"Mommy is this the channel?"-Nate asks for the one thousand time and I nod

"Yes hun.You'll see your dad on tv in no time"

Noella looks up at me and puts her tiny hand on my cheek.I smile kissing her hand ,she laughs.She had big brown eyes and the cutest lips. It was a shame that none of the kids looked much like me. They all looked more like Shawn.

Rose especially. She was the girl version of Shawn

Nate has my eyes but other than that... he's all Shawn.

God I hope Noella grows up to be like me

She was an unexpected blessing to be honest.Shawn and I didn't plan on having more kids after Nate. Not that we didn't want to,but we didn't think I'd be able to get pregnant again due to the complications I had while giving birth to Rose and Nate.

Skylar is pregnant-she's due any day now and the both of us are hoping our daughters become best friends,just like we dreamt for years.

Did I forget to mention she's having a baby girl? oh well,she's absolutely thrilled and so is Brandon.We all are actually. Can you believe my mom actually likes Skylar now?

"Mom look"-Rose points to the TV-"It's dad"

I look and indeed there he is.Looking as handsome as ever.He was wearing a white shirt with a pair of black jeans

It truly surprised me that I'd been with Shawn for nearly 13 years now and my heart still raced at the sight of him.I was very lucky.He wasn't just an amazing husband-he was the most amazing dad too.

"Welcome Shawn,it's so nice to see you"

"Hey man.It's nice to see you too!"

"How are you doing? How are the kids and your wife?"

"We're all doing great,thank you"

"I gotta say,you guys are a wonderful family"

Shawn smiles ear to ear-"Thank you"

"Shawn,I know that you are extremely close with your parents and your sister.I'm really curious to know though,did your family approve of Alana since the very beginning?"

"Eversince the first time they saw her on the red carpet with me at the award show"-he laughs-"Alana is really kind and she's just naturally a positive person and my family loved that about her.My sister is really close to Alana,we joke around sometimes cause she always protects Alana and not me and I'm like I'm your brother you have to protect me"

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