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"Join" A low groggy voice said.

"I refuse" another voice gently barked back.

"You know you can't refuse either of us! " A energetic manly voice exclaimed.

"Why should I join anyways. I never damaged nobody, and I am no harm to civilization, " The same gentle voiced girl tried to retaliate.

"(Y/N), you do know that your whole family is a threat to civilization. Your home is filled with weird weapons that may or may not possible harm everyone else. Knowing the quirks that your parents and sister have, we have an idea of what quirk you have. It's only a miracle we found out your location. Now join our side and tell us your quirk ability!" The groggy voice exclaimed. "Who knows what you will do with it" He somewhat spat.

The other man just stared at his partner for a bit. Never once did he hear him somewhat yell. The guy that was always sleepy and has eye strains was usually calm, so this was very unusual for him to hear.

"Those people are of no use to me and do not care of me. Their affliation with other villians and harm to society are of no means acceptable, I understand that." (Y/N) said. She drank her coffee ever so peacefully while trying to maintain order to what was happening.

"What I don't understand is how you heroes irrationally think that I, the left over of the batch, would harm anyone. I don't want to help save people either. You guys can't make me go without my own will and ever since politely, I refuse to your useless hero academia!" She continued.

One of the men sighed and shook his head. The other one just looked at the young lad with what seemed pity in his nonexistent eyes.  Only the bushy golden brows could make out his expression, besides that wide smile that turned into a frown.

"(Y/N)", the blonde started. " We have permission by the government for the school to take custody of you. Seeing as how your underage, you are not allowed to be paying rent at such a age or be living alone. I understand that you might not want that, but back in the academy, we will have a dorm ready for you. It's not only your background that we are afraid of, but also if your unknown quirk and intentions. Our only option is for you to attend our classes. You don't have to become a hero, but it is preferably if you do. We will be moving all your stuff, the things you want, to your dorm, as long as it doesn't harm others. "  He finished calmly, not trying to trigger anything.

"If that is so, then I guess I can't refuse in any way possible. But I have one request" She put her coffee down at the coffee table that separated her seat and the couch where the two older heroes sat.

"What is it" The blonde asked.

"I still refuse to live in a dorm. Either I continue living here in custody of the school, or move a house nearby the school that has a lot of area. That's my only request" She said with a slight smile. "Only then on your way out will u tell you my quirk."

At first the men pondered but then they accepted and walked towards the door; the girl following soon after. One the two men got out, the darker and shorter guy asked about her quirk.

"Oh yeah my quirk! I'm quirk less" She smirked and looked at their confused reactions. "Thank you for coming All Might, Earaserhead. Chao~" She happily closed the door.

Memories flooded.

Everything came back

She cried.

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