He sighs before me and keeps jingling his keys nervously. "Nothing you can help with," he says, "sorry." He starts walking out before I can say anything, "Tell Ellie to call me back. It's urgent."

Even without superpowers, I know that whatever has got Will in this state is related to Yann. I sigh as I close the door behind him and go to the kitchen to get something to eat. Then, sometime later as I proceed to make dinner, I hear Ellie's car pulling up in the driveway. She missed Will only by few minutes.

Lucy runs into the house screaming, "Tracy! Tracy! Tracy!"

"Kitchen," I shout back.

Soon, my little sister comes barreling inside the room with shopping bags. She starts pulling everything out as she takes inventory of her purchases. I see colorful notebooks and crayons and pens with fluffy feathers. Her face has a ridiculously bright glow to it and I find myself sporting a ridiculously large smile at seeing her this happy.

Ellie walks into the room and laughs as Ellie keeps pulling more and more accessories out. When she's done, Ellie says, "Why don't you go put all of that upstairs, huh? Wouldn't want Tracy to dump her greasy whatever-she's-making-for-dinner on it."

Lucy glares at me at that and quickly puts everything back in the bags and I roll my eyes at Ellie who only laughs at me. As she pulls out her phone from her pocket, I am suddenly reminded of Will's visit.

"Will says to call him back," I inform her as I go back to cooking, "he said it was urgent."

"Yeah," I hear her say distractedly behind me, "thirty-seven missed calls in two hours."

I turn around in surprise just as she lifts her head. I give her a questioning look and she only smiles, "You don't even need to ask." She says and leaves the room.

So I was right. It is about Yann.


I have no idea what Ellie and Will talked about yesterday. I was very much tempted to go eavesdrop but I didn't. Either Yann will trust me enough one day to tell me or he won't.

I sit on the porch at home with a physical copy of a Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead. From time to time, I raise my head to see what Lucy and her new friend Matt – who lives across from us – are up to. They have been inseparable for the past weeks and spend an awful lot of time together. Better for me, honestly. I get a lot of reading done. God knows I won't have time to in a few months.

I am flipping a page when I feel a presence next to me. I halt my movement to look up: Yann is standing next to me, with his hands dipped in his shorts pockets. My heart skips a beat at the sight of him. I've last seen him two days ago.

"I thought you were into classics," his voice fills up the silence with that characteristic depth.

I'm a little surprised at his odd choice of topics but only shrug and scoot over, inviting him to sit if he wants. "I do enjoy contemporary from time to time." He accepts my silent offer and crouches down on the stairs next to me. I hold the book up. "You want to know what it's about?"

"I'm not into contemporary, Graham." He mutters with a hint of impatience in his voice that doesn't deter me.

"Besides classics, what are you into, then?" I find myself genuinely wondering what he likes other than classics. I do love classics but I can't imagine only reading them.

"Not important, Graham. I'm not here for idle chatter with you."

I find myself not too surprised at his change of mood and roll my eyes. If that's the way he wants it today, fine. I'm not really in the mood anyways. I go back to VA. I've got a kickass protagonist and a swoon-worthy love interest to take up the rest of my day.

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