Plots and Secrets

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"So," Ben drawled, wincing as he spoke. "Harry and Jay don't get along?"


"What about Mal and Uma?"


"Do any of the new arrivals get along with the other VKs?"


And those were the understatements of the century.

Ben nodded, biting the inside of his cheek. Evie watched as he let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair as he slouched against the wall.

Despite being flawlessly dressed as always in his freshly pressed blue suit, Evie couldn't help but notice how exhausted the King looked. His cheeks were tinged red, there were heavy shadows under his eyes, his hair was mused, and the polite smile he usually wore lacked its normal ease. Even the way he carried himself seemed less energetic, like a heavy burden sat upon his shoulders weighing him down, leeching him of his energy.

And she supposed it truly did. The crown of a King was weighed down by a monstrous amount of responsibly and duties, difficult for even the most experienced - never mind a boy of his tender age. Sometimes Evie questioned the wisdom of the kingdom, bestowing such a frightful amount of power and obligation on one so young, before he even had the chance to finish school. On top of all his kingly duties, poor Ben also had to deal with the upcoming coronation welcoming Mal into the Royal Court, and now three new students from The Isle and their vendettas against the VKs and vice versa.

Evie felt her heart swell with pity for the King.

Several crude, muffled cruses drew Evie and Ben's attention to the door across from them. It led to the school nurses office. Inside, Nurse Baymax was tending to Harry and Jay's wounds.

Evie had learned the hard way how right Carlos had been with his assumption that Jay would be unhappy seeing her and Harry kiss - or at least, in this case, looking like they were about to kiss. Seeing Evie in that rather comprising position with the pirate had been the spark to light the fuse.

Upon seeing the tension in Jay's body Harry had gently pushed Evie behind him before taking a few swaggering steps towards Jay. Devil that he was, Harry couldn't pass the opportunity to have a go at Jay. All it took was a few mean-spirited taunts about how Jay had lost his touch and it had set the boy off. Jay lost his calm and launched himself at the grinning pirate.

Evie had tried to break them up. Neither boy had listened to her, too busy trying to make a bloody mess out of the other. With an indignant huff, and nothing else to do, Evie had plopped herself on the bed, legs crossed and arms folded, watching the pair wrestle it out with a scowl on her lips. That was how Ben, Mal, Uma, Gil and a small following of the welcome committee had found them. The room in shambles, Harry and Jay trying to kill each other, and Evie sitting sulkily on the bed.

Stars above they must be the gossip of the school by now!

"I'm sorry Ben, I knew Harry and Jay didn't like each other but I didn't think they'd try to kill each other the first chance they got," Evie sighed, resting her head back against the wall. "I don't think Harry's reaction to Mal and Carlos will be any better. Or the other way around. And I don't know how much longer Mal will be able to keep up her friendly demeanour around Uma."

"There's a lot of history here I'm not aware of, isn't there?" Ben asked, tilting his head.

"A fair bit," Evie said, letting out a strained laugh. "I couldn't even tell you all of it. Jay and Mal have been enemies with Uma and her crew for as long as anyone can remember."

"This may present a few problems," Ben said quietly.

Evie quirked an eyebrow, waiting for an explanation.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2018 ⏰

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