Wicked Ways

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"Sorry about this, Harry," Evie said quietly, reaching out and brushing away Harry's bangs from his face. "But you deserve better than this place."

All she had to do now was get him to the limo, which should be waiting nearby. She slipped her arms under Harry's, gritting her teeth as she tried to drag him towards the door.

Darn it! I didn't count on him being so heavy!

Harry was tall and muscular, and although these were qualities that Evie would normally never complain about, right now she couldn't help but curse him for it. Getting him to and into the limo was going to be a challenge and a major work out all in itself! It took her far longer than she would care to admit to haul him out of the shop and down the street towards the waiting limo. Not one bystander who noticed her stopped to question why she was ungraciously dragging a knocked out Harry Hook down the road, instead only watching in amusement at her struggles.

Villains, Evie thought with a roll of her eyes. She wasn't complaining at the moment, but in the same breath, it was sad to know that here on The Isle of The Lost no one cared what happened to a stranger. On Auradon, someone would have intervened.

Evie stopped short of the corner, peeking around it and spotting the driver leaning against the limo. There was no way that the driver would assist in her unconventional rescuing, so she needed some kind of distraction, something that would allow her time to get Harry into the limo without raising too much suspicion.

Across the street, she noticed three vaguely familiar children pick-pocketing some pensioners. A scheming smile slipped onto her lips.



Bill eyed the dank and mangy streets of The Isle wearily, grimacing at the dreadful conditions. Barely a wall or window shutter was free of graffiti, many of the windows were broken, there was litter everywhere and every person who walked by looked shifty and dangerous. How could anyone live here? Even the air seemed thick with filth. Bill couldn't wait to high-tail the limo back across the bridge and get home to Auradon and get far away from this foul place. If only that girl would hurry up-

"Hey Mister!"

Bill glanced down, noticing a young boy staring up at him. The child was wrapped in rags for clothes, his face covered in soot and grime.

"Nice hat," the little boy said, pointing to Bill's head.

"I'm not wearing a hat," Bill frowned, looking up.

Another small child, who had climbed on top of the limo, grabbed Bill's sunglasses from his face. With a shriek of delight, the child leapt off the vehicle and hit the ground running. Bill yelled out, chasing after the gleeful children who waved his glasses in the air teasingly, jumping out of reach whenever he made a grab for them. They taunted him, shouting jeers and laughed wickedly at Bill's frustration at their antics.


Evie grinned, watching as the driver chased after the children who had stolen his sunglasses.

"Well, looks like the plan worked," Evie said to the last child. "Come on, let's get Harry into the limo while he's distracted."

Evie picked up Harry by his arms, the other child struggling to lift up his legs. Together, they shuffled around the corner and towards the limo, heaving Harry along with them. They nearly dropped him a few times, but eventually, they made it to the limo. Once they had the pirate tucked inside, Evie turned back to the child.

"Thanks for your help," Evie said with smiled, giving the child her purse.

The child jiggled the purse, grinning.

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