Tick Tock

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Tick... tock...

Panic and fear, that was all he could feel.

Evie was submerged in water, her hair and clothes floating around her. Something was coiled around her ankle, holding her tight to the bottom of the lagoon. Her hands frantically tried to free her foot from the thing clutching her, but no matter how hard she pulled, kicked or tried to swim away she couldn't break free. Her cheeks were flushed, slightly puffed out with the air she was holding. The longer she stayed under the water, the more frenzied she became. Her air was running out...

Tick... tock... tick... tock...

Evie's head snapped up at the distant, fuzzy sound. Through half-lidded eyes, barely able to open them under the water, Evie saw a dark shadow up ahead, swaying through the water towards her. She let out a gasp, air bubbles racing to the surface. Her attempts to free herself became more frantic. She had to get free. She had to get free now!

Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick Tock.

A dark shadow fell over the frightened girl. Evie looked up and screamed, the last of her air escaping, leaving her behind to the fate of-


The King shot up in bed, sweat racing down his face. He put a hand to his head, choking as he tried to regain his breath. Ben took in his surroundings, realizing he was in his bedroom at Auradon Prep, sitting up in bed, alone in the darkness. It was still late, not a hint of the morning sunlight peeking through his curtains.

With a relieved sigh, Ben flopped back down, staring at his canopy drapes.

Had that simply been a bad dream, brought on by all the stress of school and his kingly duties? Or was it another vision?


I have an essay due in next week for the History of Witches and Wizards. Ten questions left on my Physics homework. I have a report due in three days for my Dangers of Woods and Enchanted Forests class. And I have cheerleading practice today after class!

Evie let out a sigh. Auradon Prep was exhausting, it was so different from high schools back on the Isle of the Lost. Never in a thousand and one years would a teacher at an Isle school even humour the idea of giving out homework - that always resulted in teachers mysteriously disappearing.

It's a shame that isn't an option for some Auradon teachers.

Evie tucked away the thought, scolding herself.

Behave, she chided. Auradonians don't have such mean thoughts about their teachers - even if some of them deserve it. Let's see, what class do I have next?

Since it was a new semester, Evie was still getting used to her new timetable and classes. Her next class was Artefacts of Heroes and Villains , a class dedicated to studying the various powerful artefacts used in the battles between good and evil over the centuries. The class was held in the West Wing of the castle, an area she wasn't very familiar with.

She hurried along and after several wrong turns and being distracted by the school's stunning library, Evie found her way into the West Wing. Proudly adorning the intricately decorated walls were paintings of artefacts, many of which she was very familiar with. Jafar's sceptre, Excalibur, a feather used by Dumbo to fly, the magic carpet, and many more. Eventually, she came across a small glass cabinet, filled with smaller relics placed and positioned carefully on red velvet cushions.

Evie paused to look them over.

There was a pair of diver's goggles with the words 'p Sherman 42 wallaby way Sydney' written on them, a cowboy doll with the name 'Andy' sketched on its boot, a replica of Captain Hook's clock, Mulan's hairpin, a-

Hooks and HeartsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora